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"I told you guys that that girl is such a psychopath." Jimin said to Seokjin.

"Says the guy that's actually close with her." Seokjin replied

"Am not." Jimin denied, glaring at him.

"Sure." He mumbled sarcastically and ruffled his hair.

Jimin rolled his eyes at Seokjin and Namjoon just laughed away.

Silence took over them and Seokjin just stared out at nothing then Namjoon started typing away in his phone. Seokjin's cheeks suddenly became pink.

"Hey! What are you thinking about?" Jimin asked Seokjin hitting the back of his head.

"Wh-what? Nothing!" Seokjin answered right away, his cheeks getting more pinkish.

Jimin just clicked my tongue at him.

"Anyways how are you and your Seulgi?" Namjoon asked putting back his phone into his back pocket.

"What?" Jimun asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Is there any progress?" He asked again, smirking.

"Ew no. And there never will be." Jimin answered with disgust and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, sure. You'll probably be eating your words in the future." Seokjin said, snorting.

"Will not." Jimin denied

"Whatever. You'll just have to invite us to your wedding and make us the god-fathers of your twins." Namjoon said, grinning.

"Stop it." Jimin groaned

"You guys will get married in Greece and then have your honeymoon in Bora-bora and then you guys will surely have twins." Seokjin continued nodding his head and Namjoon agreed.

"Whatever I'm leaving and fuck you guys." Jimin said shaking his head and left the two in the pub laughing their asses off.

Jimin put his coat on and placed his hands inside his coat's pockets as he started walking down the busy road.

There were still some students walking around having fun or just on their way home and same as the adults and some others out on dates.

Jimin was about to take a turn when hejust suddenly craved for some bubble tea.

Once he went inside of the bubble tea shop, he straight away ordered something and sat on a seat near the window right after. He watched the people outside walk by in a rush or just slowly.

He looked around the shop and saw a group of teenage girls gossiping or whatnot. They have the same uniform as our school so he guessed they study there.

There wasn't really that much people there then his eyes landed on someone. It's a girl.

She has about two empty bubble tea cups already and the whole table she was using was occupied by open books and scattered pens and highlighters.

She was so focused on reading but she still seemed so... beautiful.

He was way too busy gawking at her that he got quite startled when a new costuner went in.

"Yah, Jungkook have you seen my wallet??" She asked the guy behind the counter.

"You left it earlier, noona." Jungkook guy answered and handed her her wallet.

"Ahh, thanks. I'll see you around!" She thanked him and ran out of the shop.

Jimin tried his best to hide himself and he thanked God he was successful at it.

"Goodbye, Seulgi noona!" He waved goodbye, smiling to himself.

Why is he smiling? Is he happy to see Seulgi? Whatever. Jimin thought

His eyes trailed back to the lady earlier. Once his eyes laid back on her, disapointment took over me.

She was already getting ready to leave and he  can't even do anything about it. And so she did.

I hope she'll come back here tomorrow.

psycho ㅡ  seulminWhere stories live. Discover now