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"What is taking them so long?" Namjoon asked impatiently waiting with the others.

They have been waiting for an hour now for the two unofficial love birds to go back and they are getting really impatient.

"I know right. Ugh if it wasnt for Seulgi unnie." Joy sighed

"Maybe we should call them." Jimin suggested

"Great idea." Irene said as Jimin took his phone out.

He then called Kai's number and a few rings later he finally answered. Jimin put him on loudspeaker.

"Where the hell are you guys? We've heen waiting for-"

"Jimin I swear to God if that crazy girlfriend of yours does anything to Seulgi- I swear to God I-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Kai calm down what are you talking about?" Jimin cut him off, eyebrows furrowed.

Everyone else then gathered around Jimin, confused and curious.

"Jimin. Gotdamnit, Jimin! Taeyon noona kidnapped Seulgi!" Kai yelled from the other side of the line.

Everyone froze.

"What?" Jimin asked, feeling his breathe hitch.

"Didnt you hear me?!" Kai asked clearly geting stressed over the fact that his almost gifriend just got kidnapped by a psychopath and that the reason behind why she got kidnapped is being stupid.

"I-I did. I just-"

Jimin almost fainted.

His phone fell onto the floor but thankfully Namjoon and Jin caught him.

"What the hell is happening?" Irene asked getting frustrated and lost.

"Turn on the tv and watch the news. There is a fucking car chase happening right now and Seulgi is in fucking danger!" Kai said

Joy then right away turned the telivision on and turned the channel to the local news channel.

"And as you all can see, the police are still chasing the kidnapper who is an identified woman in jer 20's named Taeyon drives and bickers with the teenage girl she has kidnapped."

[i suck at this oml save me]

the news caster said to the camera as a live video showed Taeyon driving and Seulgi trying to save herself; she was crying so much.

Everyone's hearts dropped not knowing what to do or what to say.

"Jimin what the hell?!" Irene yelled pushing Jimin then Jin held onto her so that she wouldnt do anything else that could hurt her or Jimin.

"We know you hate Seulgi but no need to go this fucking far!" She yelled feeling her tears stream down her face

"Oh my poor baby she must be so scared."  Irene said and hugged Jin tightly.

"Its alright, its alright. She's gonna be alright." Jin whispered to her ear trying to calm her down.

Jimin was quiet. Everyone was. The only thing that can be heard was the faint sounds from the telivision and of Irene sobbing in Jin's arms.

They watched the telivision waiting for the police do their job well and catch Taeyon and get Seulgi back safely. All they could do at the moment was watch and pray.

They had their hopes reach the highest when the police was finally beside Taeyon's car. The police were telling her to stop the car and give them the terrified girl back. They werent planning on doing anything. But Taeyon was.

She finally stopped. And so did the police.

The police got out of the car in an instant and aimed their guns at Taeyon as she got off the car.

She put her hands up, slowly walking towards Seulgi.

"Stop what you are doing!" One police shouted

Taeyon was smiling sweetly she almost fooled the police into dropping their weapons.

She then opened the door and dragged Seulgi out.

"Tayon stop!" Seulyi whimpered

"Lady, let go of the teenage girl right now and we won't shoot!"

"If you wont shoot, then I will!" Taeyon said happily said taking a gun out fom her jacket. And Seulgi screamed out, horrified as Taeyon aimed it at her head.

"Put the gun down!"

Taeyin saw the helicopter flying around above them and saw a camera. The beautiful and confident girl she is, waved and smiled.

As for the other four in Seulgi's apartment, saw what was happening and felt their souls leave their body. Irene fainted and Joy just sobbed harder.

"If you dont put your weapons down, I will shoot and this slut will die!" Taeyon grinned like a psycopath.

The police officers didnt know what to do. It was either do what she says or just shoot her and save the terrified girl.

Taeyon took out the safety from her gun and choked Seulgi. Seulgi's head hurt the most and her eyes were very puffy. She could pass put any minute now.

Another police car arrived and there Kai ran out to try and save Seulgi.

"Seulgi!" He called out.

Seulgi's head snapped towards his direction and they had eye contact.

"Save me." She could barely speak.

"No one gonna put their weapons down?!" Tayon was getting impatient but the police still had their weapons out. They should neve let their guards down.

"Okay then!" She yelled our and the biggest nightmare for everyone happened.

She pulled the trigger.


i want some bopis huhu

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