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Jimin walked Seulgi back to her apartment of course with assistance since she was still stuck in that cast. They had a nice chat in the cafe that they didnt even notice it was already time for the cafe to close. They have both agreed to be friends from now on and Seulgi was more than happy hearing that from Jimin himself.

Seulgi kissed Jimin on the cheek before he left and ran inside right after, feeling her cheeks burn up not knowing Jimin was actually also heating up due to the feeling of her lips on his cheek.

The two wasnt able to sleep well that night but they managed.

A few days later, Jimin and Seulgi have been close more than ever and everyone was happy. It was the day Seulgi will be getting her cast off and it was the day Kai will finally ask Seulgi to be his official girlfriend. Exciting aint it?

Of course Kai have been planning everything ever since and have already told the others about their relationship have asked for some help from his friends. Even Jimin. And Jimin was more than happy to help. Of course he felt a tingling feeling as if like his heart was being poked by a tiny needle, but he kept it to himself. It's not like he likes Seulgi that way right? Right?

"We'll be going ahead first guys." Kai said winking at the others as they nodded waving good bye.

The plan was for Kai and Seulgi to go to the hospital to get her cast off as the other five will be at Seulgi's apartment preparing for the cute and sweet proposal. After that, Kai and Seulgi will be heading to her apartment and surprise surprise! Seulgi will see the surprise and feel happy and Kai will pop the question and Seulgi will say yes. Or will she?

"Are you happy?" Kai asked Seulgi with a grin

"Heck yeah I am. I've been feeling like shit because of this cast and now I'll be free as a butterfly." Seulgi rambled

Kai only chuckled wondering to himself if how he was able to catch such a girl as perfect as Seulgi.


Seulgi's cast has been finally taken off and she started jumping around once it was. Kai had to scold her like a mother but still felt happy for her.

After she got her cast off, she then went to get a check up since they were already in the hospital.

"There's nothing really wrong going on, but the tumor is still there. We need to have the surgery as soon as possible to refrein it from spreading more and from making your condition worsen." Seulgi's doctor, Dr. Ha explained to the two teenage kids.

"When do you plan on taking up the surgery?" He asked

"Uhm next week maybe once my parents arrive." Seulgi answered

"Okay then. Just give us a call or something and we'll take care if everything. And also, avoid getting stressed and hitting your head, alright?" Dr. Ha ruffled her hair

"Okay, okay just don't mess with my hair." Seulgi said giggling, feeling her face heat up. What? Dr. Ha is hot as fuck. Who wouldn't get attracted towards him?

"We'll be leaving then, Dr. Ha. Thanks." Kai said bowing and so did Seulgi

"Alright. You two take care alright?" Dr. Ha said pointing at them two "mostly you, Miss Kang. Always be careful with your head and becareful around strangers." Dr. Ha said sternly

"Alright." Seulgi smiled waving good bye as Kai and her finally left the room.

Dr. Ha could only sigh out loud hoping Seulgi would be alright. Hoping Taeyon won't lay a finger on on the poor young lady.

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