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Monday finally came--which I was dreading for and I'm finally going to see Jimin. Yeeeheeet I feel so happy. Note the pure sarcasm there please.

I entered the school and went to my locker first to get the stuff I will be needing for my first period. Took some stuff in and out then headed to class.

I sat on my assigned seat and look around. Irene and Jwoy were already beside me doing whatever the hell. My Jimin and his gay for each other friends were still not here and the other people around me were gossiping exitedly. I heard there's a new student-- a new hot one to be specific.

A few moments later, my Jimin and his friends finally arrived and went to sit on their assigned seats. I was about to go to my Jimin but our teacher went inside the classroom which shut us all up and made us all go back to our assigned seats.

The teacher started talking about stuff and I heard her but I didn't listen and just stared at my Jimin. He's like really so perfect, you know?

Yeah, I already forgave him yesterday even though he didn't really apologize. But oh well.

My thoughts were cut off and I was brought back to reality when the girls inside the class started squealing.

I looked up front and saw a good looking guy. Ooh lala. If only I wasnt loyal to my Jimin hmmm...

"Annyeonghasseyo, my name is Kim Jongin. I just transferred into this school hoping to be friends with you all. Please take care of me." He waved and bowed and almost every girl in the room went ballistic.

"Okay Mr. Kim you may seat right next to uhm..." The teacher said looking around the class and her eyes landed on the seat beside mine.

"There right next to Ms. Kang please." She said pointing at me

"Ms. Kang please raise your hand so that Mr. Kim could see you."

Ugh this is so cliche why here?

"Mrs. Yoon, someone else already sits here." I said raising my right hand.

"Oh it's alright. I'll just transfer that person somewhere else." She said waving her hand to dissmiss me.

I just rolled my eyes at her.

The Jongin kid started walking towards my direction smiling here and there at the people he passed by.

And finally after 09877655443311 years he finally arrived at the seat beside mine and sat down right away-- I mean it's not like I was anticipating.

"Hi." He greeted me with a smile.

"Hi." I greeted back lightly just not to be rde and put my attention towards Mrs. Yoon.

"I'm Kai." He said

I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and asked "I thought your name was Jongin?"

"Oh  uh yeah that's my name but the people I'm close with call me Kai." He answered with a smile

Oh man whatdafuk that smile dayum I wanna make babies with him. Just kidding oh my god no.

"But we're not even close." I answered looking away trying to hide away the blush I felt on my cheeks.

"Yes we are. We can get closer if you want."

"Wha-" I was cut off when he suddenly moved his face closer to mine.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked and backed away.

"What do you think?" He asked with a sly smirk tiltng his head lightly to the side.

I just clicked my tongue at him and pushed his face away then faced the front again trying hard to hide my stupid blushing.

Jongin just chuckled and started listening to Mrs. Yoon also, I guess.

"Fuckboy." I muttered under my breathe and glared at him one last time.

Ohhhhhhh it's Kai everyone!!! I'm so sorry about having short chapters all the time. I just dk really I guess my chapters will always be short  bc i'm a lazy ass person u know hehe ok bye enjoy guyseu its still red velvet's anniv i'm happy and my grand mom is finally home from the hospital i'm happy and i'm well now finally my chicken pox left and i can go back to school tomorrow finally and i'm happy  AND ALSO you guys keep supporting me and i'm very happy :)))) thank you for 1.26K reads everyone!!! 💛 i would actually love it if u guys comment and sht or just talk to me or whatever lol ok byeeeeee luvu guys 💙💙

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