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Jimin opened and then closed his mouth like a fish, debating with himself if he should ask Kai about how Seulgi was doing when he was cut off.

"Kai?" Seulgi called out.

The two boys' heads snapped towards Seulgi's direction.

Seulgi was trying her best to sit up, eyes still closed and Kai ran up towards her to help her sit up. And as for Jimin, he slowly backed away and stood by the door.

"How do you feel? Does your head hurt? Do you want some water?" Kai asked getting a bottle of water from the table

Seulgi nodded lightly and started opening her eyes slowly. The bright light from the ceiling blinding her for a while but her eyes got used to them and took the bottle of water from Kai.

"How are you feeling?" Kai asked, full of concern

"I'm fine." She lied, she was not fine. She was far from being fine.

"Don't lie, Seulbear." Kai whisperd  tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Seulgi bit her lower lip trying to hold in her tears, gripping onto the hospital sheets but her eyes seem to have betrayed her.

"Shhh, it's okay. It's okay, I'm here." Kai whispered trying to calm her down.

She was now having a mental break down, sobbing on Kai's shoulder. With Kai giving her a tight hug whispering soothing words towards her ear.

"I don't know what to do anymore." She cried out

"It's okay, I'm here."

The two stayed in each other's arms with one crying her eyes out and the other comforting the broken girl that he loves.

But what they didn't know was Jimin was still there. He didn't leave. He wanted to talk to Seulgi but thought that maybe right now was the wrong time.

When he saw Seulgi cry, his heart broke. He never saw Seulgi cry like that before. He didn't know what was the problem but he was so confused over things. He didn't know what was happening. He didn't know if why he felt heartbroken over the fact that the girl he hated the most was crying, if why his mother was taking care of her and if why he felt mad over the fact that Kai and Seulgi were hugging on her hospital bed. He was very confused. He felt lost. But there was one thing he was sure of. And that there was surely something wrong with Seulgi.


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