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Once Seulgi got inside their classroom, Joy called her name right away which caught Irene and Jimin's attention.

Joy and Irene stood up to help the struggling girl to walk towards her seat while Jimin ignored her feeling really annoyed even just by hearing her name.

"Where did Kai go anyways?" Irene asked and Seulgi shrugged feelung all her energy drain away once she saw Jimin.

It broke her heart how Jimin would not even spare her just a small glance. And totally broke her heart in how he's the reason why she's suffering so much right now. Emotionally and physically.

Their other classmates started to circle around Seulgi and asked how she hurt herself, if her foot still hurt, if she was alright and what not. Then their teacher finally arrived but Kai was still nowhere to be found.

"Okay class, open your books to page one hundred six-" Their teacher was cut off when the door suddenly opened showing a panting Kai by the door.

"Mr. Kim why are you late?"

"I'm sorry ma'am I had to go to the infirmary first." He answered and gave her the slip from the place.

"Oh, alright then just take your seat."

Kai then whispered something to their teacher's ear and went to seat on his usual sit right next to Seulgi and gave her a huge smile.

"Where did you go off to?" Seulgi asked

"Concerned?" Kai questioned back with a cheeky smile on hus face.

"Yes, and what's wrong with that? What did you do in the infirmary? Are you hurt and shit? Tsk it's your fault for being stupid." Seulgi ranted and opened her book

Kai knew that her words may have been a little bit hurtful but he can still see through her and felt all warm inside since she really is concerned about him.

"I just went to get you some proper aid." Kai answered and showed her a paper bag

Seulgi then opened it to show a first aid kit for whenever you sprained your foot.

She looked at Kai with soft eyes and he returned her expression with a grin.

What the hell is this feeling? Seulgi asked to herself

"Mr. Kim you can just drag some chairs and do it at the back." Their teacher called out which caught the attention of eveyone inside the room, including Jimin.

"Yes, ma'am." Kai saluted with a wink which made their teacher feel a little blush due to Kai's extreme charms.

Kai then carried his own chair at the back and then helped Seulgi walk, with her chair in his other hand, eveyone eyeing their every move.

"Oh my gosh he's so hot."

"He is such a sweetheart and a gentleman."

"Is he and Seulgi dating for real?"

"Can they get any cuter?"

"What heppened to Seulgi?"

"Class, eyes in front and listen to me."

Some then went back to listening to their tacher infront, some trying to and others who gave up on school went to sleep.

"What happened to Seulgi though?" Jimin whispered towards Namjoon

"I don't know."

"Irene told me Seulgi just went back to her house limping and said she just tripped on some rock." Jin answerred butting in into Jimin and Namjoon's conversation

"What? I doubt she would get that hurt if she just tripped on some rock. I bet someone pushed her. I mean, there's a posibility." Namjoon said and went back to taking notes and so did Jin; even though they badly wanted to tease Jimin for asking them if what happened to his dearest Seulgi.

But Jimin did. What Namjoon said left him thinking. Thinking about that day at the convenience store.

hi guys i'm sick and i literally feel like i'm dying lol pray for me--- srsly (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

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