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"Hyung I'm just gonna go visit her for a while." Jimin said to Jin putting his coat on about to leave their dorm.

"Alright. Just be careful and tell her my regards, okay?" Jin said

"I will hyung, thanks." He smiled finally stepping out of their dorm.

Years later and Jimin finally debuted as a k-pop idol. He had always wanted to be one and he finally reached that dream.

He even debuted with his highschool friends Jin and Namjoon and that kid in the bubble tea shop store, Jungkook which he learned to love as a brother real quick. And also some other new friends named Hoseok, Taehyung and Yoongi. They trained for years and have been given the chance to debut and they gave all their best.

Now, they are already a year old as k-pop idols but they will never forget her. Kang Seulgi. Irene, Joy, Kai, Jimin, Seokjin and Namjoon stayed friends but they got accepted in differrnt companies. Jimin, Jin and Namjoon in the same. And the others in the same. It went pretty well for them.

Jimin started walking down the sidewalk, his hands in both side pockets of his coat and went inside the flower shop he passed by all the time.

"Hey, Chaerin." He greeted the lady behind the counter.

"Hey, idol boy." Chaerin greeted back, "the usual flowers?"

"The usual." He nodded with a smile.

She then prepared the boquet of Seulgi's faborite flowers and gave it to Jimin which he payed for as they made small talk.

"Going out on a date again?" She asked

"Yeah." Jimim answered with a sad smile.

"Aww cheer up, boy. Dates are fun!" She tried cheering him up

"I know." He laughed

"Well, better not keep your girl waiting. Go now."

"I will. Bye Chae. Thanks!" He saluted and left the shop with a smile.

He then took a bus, walked again for a while and finally arrived at his destination.

He smiled widely knowing they would be able to talk again, that he could talk to her so comfortably again telling her about his stressful week and about all his problems because he was comfortable with it and he knew she was always listening.

"Hey, Seul." He greeted her but no one greeted him back. Just a breeze of air.

He then sat down on the grass and placed the boquet of flowers on her tombestone.

"I'm back again for our cute weekly date." He laughed to himself.

He felt silly everytime. Just talking to thin air, wishing he could go back in time and get Seulgi back. To save her from all the pain, from everything. But he couldnt. And so he just comes back here every weekend or in any time he could to have cute little dates with Seulgi in the cementery where she is burried.

"I had a rough week again, as always. But I always get the inspiration from you. Knowing you're up there cheering me on." He chuckled " you have always been my biggest fan right?"

"I miss you. I want you back please. I need you." He whispered

"I love you, Kang Seulgi. And I'm sorry if it took me some time to realize that. And if it needed your life just for me to finally accept that. But i miss you and I love you. I wish I could just see you even one mast time." He felt his eyes sting, feeling tears in his eyes.

"My mom misses you too. We all do. We all love you. But I love you the most."

AHHHH WELP there goes the last chapter. oopsies

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