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Class finally ended and everyone rushed out of the room, scared that the teacher might not let them out.

Joohyun and Sooyoung were talking about where to go as Seulgi just stared at Jimin still on her seat.

She heaved a sigh looking at him like he was a some kind of beautiful angel or something. Oh wait because he is. She smiled at that thought.

He stood up and so did his two friends and started walking out of the room.

"Seulgi, let's go." Joohyun said and she nodded, her gaze still at Jimin and they all went out Jimin, Namjoon and Seokjin ahead of them.

They are now walking in the corridors. Some other students here and there, but she didn't mind them. She didn't even mind Joohyun and Sooyoung and just kept looking at Jimin. He looks so perfect when he walks, talks, laughs, breathes, everything.

"Wait a minute." Seulgi said to Joohyun and Sooyoung still not looking at them and walked faster and went ahead of Jimin and grinned.

"Hi!" Seulgi greeted.

He stopped abruptly and so did his two friends.

"What?" He asked showing no emotion or whatsoever.

"Do you want to go out with me and my friends today?" She asked sweetly and took a step closer towards him and he took a step back.

"Uhh, no thanks. I'm going somewhere with Namjoon and Seokjin today." Jimin answered

"Oh really? I thought you were gonna go home because you had nothing else to do?" Namjoon asked

"Yeah. Why don't you just go with Seulgi? That would be nice right? Right, Seulgi?" Seokjin asked and smiled at her.

Her smile got brighter and nodded.

"Uhh, sorry I'm not feeling well today." Jimin answered and tried to walk past the girl.

"Are you alright? What happened? Is that why you weren't here the whole day before the last subject?" She asked worridly and tried to touch his forehead but he moved away quickly.

"Yeah I'm okay. Bye." He answered and walked away quickly.

Namjoon and Seokjin snickered and went after Jimin.

Seulgi sighed and pouted.

"Hey! Were you gonna leave us?" Joohyun asked and hit the back of Seulgi's head

"No." She glared at her rubbing the place she got smackes at.

"Let's just go." Irene said and dragged the younger ones out of there.

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