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Today is the day.

It's not a special day, it's not my birthday or anyone's birthday, but today is the day I'm claiming back my Jimin.

I don't plan on telling my Jimin about it and I didn't want him knowing about it when I haven't even done anything yet. So I still ignored him today like I did these past few days.

I've been craving for him really and I have been visiting his mom at their house whenever he left to go out on dates with Taeyon then his mom and I would keep it a secret.

Anyways, Irene and Jin finally admitted to us that they're finally dating so here we are now, sitting on one lunch table all together with the most awkward atmosphere there is.

"Food is for eating, not for playing guys haha." Joy said to lighten up the mood and took a spoonful of her fried rice.

We all looked at her and started eating too.

Irene and Jin had their own world while Joy, Kai and Namjoon are conversing with each other leaving my Jimin and I to eat awkwardly all by ourselves. Great friends.

"Of course. Seulbear over here is head over heels for me." Kai said putting me on a head lock.

"Yah let go!" I said hitting his arm so that he would let go

"Admit it first that you like me." He said and started ruffling my hair.

"Yah yah yah! Stob it!" I yelled punching his arm harder.

"Alright, alright! Ouch!" Ha said finally letting go of me

"Serves you right." I clicked my tongue at him

"You're such an airhead. We all know Seulgi unnie is the one who hates you the most here." Joy said rolling her eyes at the dumbfuck.

After that I heard my Jimin snicker a little. I looked towards his direction and saw him eating with a sly smirk on his face.

What's gotten into him?

I looked away and started to converse with the others.

Once the teacher announced that classes are finally done and left, I immediately kept my things and made my way out of the room but the idiot Kai stopped me.

"Woah, woah, woah where are you going in such a hurry?" He askd blocking my way

"Somewhere you're not there." I answered

"But honey, I'm everywhere." He said batting his eyelashes at me.

"Ew just get out of the way." I said pushing him away and ran out.

Once I was out of the school's premises, I sighed out of relief and started walking down the road towards the bubble tea shop where my Jimin and Taeyon always meets up at.

AGHHHHH hi i'm suppppeeerrr stressed fuk life yeah

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