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Will you move on from your stupid one sided love with Jimin and just be with me instead?

Kai's words kept ringing inside my head ever since and I am going crazy.

"Yah Seulgi-ah stop messing around!" Irene yelled at me and took the glue gun that I was holding

"Aish what's up with  you these days? Did something happen between you and Jimin again? Or did you fight with Taeyon unnie again?" Irene asked and placed the glue gun down.

"No it's nothing I'm fine." I answered and stood up deciding to buy myself a drink first and maybe some snacks to lighten up my mood.

"Or did something happen between you and Kai I noticed ho--"

"No! Of course not!" I defended
"I'm going out. I'm gonna buy us some food or whatever." I said and went out not waiting for Irene to say anything else

I sighed and hugged myself to keep myself warm. Aish I should have put on something to keep myself warm.

I started walking down the street off to the nearest convenience store to buy whatever the hell and to maybe clear my mind even just a tiny bit.

I sighed once again and tried to warm myself up.

I went inside the convenience store and picked up a few ramens, drinks and  pringles too of course.

I was about to pay for them when I saw Taeyon sitting by the glass window focused on her phone.

I ignored her and went to pay by the cashier.

The lady behind the cashier told me how much I was supposed to pay and I went through my wallet then gave her the amount needed.

"Seulgi." Someone suddenly called out and I knew who it was even without looking at who it was

"What?" I asked still looking at my pringles

"It's nice seeing you here. It's been a while." I can sense the fake ass smile plastered on her face even with my back facing her.

I stared silently waiting for the lady to finally give me my plastic bag.

"Here you go." Once she said those words, handing the plastic bag towards me, i right away took it from her hands thanking her and made my way out right away.

I'm not really in the mood to fight with her right now or with anyone for that matter. I just want to be alone to be very fucking honest.

"Yah Seulgi I'm talking to you!" I was already outside the convenience store but she followed me

What the hell does she want?

"Yah!" She yelled pulling me by my wrist

"What?" I asked calmly

"Wow you seem calm." She smirked

"It's nice to know you haven't been going around obsessing over my boyfriend for some time now. That's really great so keep it up." She said showing me an okay sign

"Are you done?" I asked unamused and she just scoffed.

"Okay good bye." I said about to turn away when she pushed me all of a sudden.

I fell onto the ground, face first which hurt as hell.

"Yah!" I yelled at her tasting blood from my lip

"Oops it slipped." She said acting innocent

"Why the fuck are you so childish?" I asked standing up

"Me? Childish? Oh honey, being childish is stealing someone else's boyfriend. So you're childish!" She spat

"Whatever." I mumbled having enough of her bullshit for today and was about to leave for real when she suddey started screaming and hurting herself

"What are you doing?" I asked but she still continued doing whatever the hell she was doing and took my hands putting it on her hair

"Hey what the fuck?!" My eyes widened knowing who that voice belonged to.


He pushed me off of the devil and I fell on the floor and so did she.

I was frozen on the spot. Huh, so she's an actress now?

"What the fuck, Seulgi?!" Jimin yelled helping Taeyon up

"Noona, are you okay?" He asked Taeyon

"N-no." She sobbed into Jimin's arms

So I'm the bad guy here again huh?

"Are you fucking crazy? What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you attack my girlfriend? Are you really that fucking desperate? Are you planning to kill her or something? You are such a psycho!" He spat at me from word to word

"My God! Let's go noona."

And then they just left in each other's arms.

Taeyon looked back at me and winked with a smirk plastered on her face.

I scoffed feeling the stinging feeling in my eyes but I just blinked the tears away.

I tried to stand up  but my ankle hurt. So an emotional and physical beating and a sprain is what I get for today huh?

Fuck the world hates me so nuch.

hi!!! ok so i'm gonna update psycho as much as possible bc i want this to be finished already lmao i've been publishing too much new stories so anyways tysm for 3k+ reads guys!! it means so much to me ily all 💛

please support my other stories hehehehe ok sorry

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