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"Ahhh seriously! You guys are so annoying!" Jimin yelled at his two friends and kicked the wall beside him.

They just laughed and made Jimin's blood boil even more.

"Come on, Jimin. Admit it, that was hella funny." Namjoon said and continued laughing with Seokjin.

"Tch." He rolled my eyes at them

"Well, seriously though. Never do that again. I should never be with her. I should never be together with her. Totally when alone she might rape me or something." He said and placed his hands infront of his chest and down there.

"It's okay though since you like to fuck." Seokjin joked.

"Yeah, but not with her. I don't fuck with psychos. Like seriously? What is wrong with her?" Jimin asked with eyebrows furrowed.

"She's just in love man. Calm down. She has liked you since fifth grade." Seokjin said and Namjoon agreed.

"Ughh I regret saving her that day ahh!" Jimin yelled making Jin and Namjoon snicker again.

psycho ㅡ  seulminWhere stories live. Discover now