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It's now finally Tuesday and Seulgi is really stressed about the exams happening on that day. She completely forgot about them and she is in regretting she  went to the amusement park and dragged the others.

She groaned loudly, pulling at her hair.

"What's wrong, Seul?" Joohyun asked who's sitting beside the sulking bear studying also for the exams.

"I feel like shit." Seulgi answered and placed her face flat on the table.

Joohyun, Seulgi and Sooyoung are currently in the library right now studying for the next subject which is Maths.

"Is it because of Maths?" Joohyun asked

"Partly." Seulgi answered, face still laying flat on the table.

"Why? What else is bothering you?"

Seulgi just groaned loudly.

Joohyun just clicked her tongue at her and stopped asking questions.

I wonder how Jimin is doing...

"Unnies I'm hungry..." Sooyoung said and Seulgi sat up straight slowly.

"Eat?" She asked and Sooyoung nodded right away.

She chuckled lightly at her cute friend and they all stood up then made their way to the cafeteria.


"Ahhhh finally!" Seulgi yelled spreading her hands up out of joy.

Their exams are finally over and they are finally free.

"Wanna go to the bubble tea shop to celebrate?" Joohyun asked and the two  agreed.

Seulgi  was about to ask  Jimin to go with them but when she looked at his seat, he was already gone. And so was his friends.

She sighed and stood up. Then the three of them beautiful young ladies went to the bubble tea shop to party lol just kidding.

"You order for me I'll go look for a table." Seulgi said and went to the table by the window.

She was about to take a sit when she noticed a couple a few tables away from her. The guy's back was facing her but it was familiar. Really familiar.

She went near them. Are they out on a date? She asked to herself.

Huh so it is him. How could he???

"Seokjin!" She called out

He looked at her quite startled and so did the girl he's with.

"H-hey Seulgi." He said, standing up.

"Hello." Seulgi greeted back with a forced sweet smile.

"What are you doing here?" She asked tilting her head a little

"I should be asking you the same." He answered

"Why? Am I not allowed to come here?" She asked with a hint of annoyance

"N-no it' s not like-"

"So, what are you doing here?" She asked again


"He's here on a date with me." The girl Seokjin was with finally spoke up, standing up.

"Oh really now, sweetie?" Seulgi asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Yes." The girl answered confidently.

"Well honey, let me tell you this..." Seulgi said stepping closer to the girl

"This young man is already taken. So don't even bother going near him again alright?" Seulgi said

"If he is then why would he go out on a date with me?" The girl scoffed

"Maybe because you dragged him all the way here and forced him to?" Seulgi asked in a mocking way.

"Excuse me-"


Seulgi looked at the direction where someone called out from and Joohyun was standing nearby with Sooyoung.

"What's happening here?" Joohyun asked and went near the three with Sooyoung following behind.

"Her! She's Seokjin's girlfriend! So stop bothering Kim Seokjin!" Seulgi said pointing towards Joohyun.

Both Joohyun and Sooyoung were shocked with what Seulgi just stated and the stupid girl looked at Joohyun the Sooyoung.

"Oh really?" The girl asked, crossing her arms.

"Yes, really." Seulgi then answered back confidently.

"Prove it."

They all looked at Joohyun waiting for her to do something but she just stood there on her spot, frozen.

"Hey!" Sooyoung called out nd stomped towards Seokjin.

Seokjin's cheeks turned into a light shade of pink which Seulgi saw and made her eyebrows furrow at that.

"You promised me you won't hurt my Joohyun Unnie and now you're already cheating on her??" Sooyoung yelled and jumped on Seokjin and put him on a headlock.

Oh praise Sooyoung for her tallness...

Seulgi looked at Joohyun and she was still shookt by what's happening.

Joohyun looked at Seulgi and Seulgi gestured for Joohyun to do something. And thank God she did.

"Seokjin, let's take this outside." She said crossing her arms and walked away.

Sooyoung let go of him and he yelled a yelped.

"Hehe go to Unnie." She said with a peace sign

"See?! Hah! You pathetuc girl. Do as I say and leavr or loose all of your fake hair!" Seulgi said pointing towards the girl.

The girl eyes widened and she nodded her head and hurridly left the place.

Seokjin sighed and went after Joohyun.

Seulgi and Sooyoung cheered and high-fived each other.


hi guys lol i just updated yey!

school sucks :) i just had a mental breakdown :) yey life

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