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"What the actual fuck, Seulgi??" Jimin yelled  at Seulgi's face once they were outside,  at the corner of a street.

She let go of his hand and looked away.

"What the fuck was that all about? Why are you going all psycho shit all over me again? Damn it I thought you were gonna leave us the fuck alone once you walked the fuck away! Fuck it!" He rambled kicking the ground

She gulped and cleared her throat then she spoke up.

"Y-you were cheating on me." She squeaked

He stopped pacing around frustratingly and faced her with a glare.

"Cheating on you? I was not fucking cheating on you! We're not anything Seulgi! We're not a fucking thing! When will you ever realize that! I don't like you and I will never like you--ever. I finally found someone who I like and actually likes me back so just calm the fuck down and process it up in your god damn mind that we're not a fucking thing and I don't fucking love you. Heck I don't even like you."

Her lips were shut close and her eyes were stinging, tears about to spill.

"I'm going back to Taeyon noona and don't even think about doing any more shit." He said walking away leaving her there in the street her feet glued to the ground.

She took a deep breath and stopped herself from crying.

She took another deeper breath and started walking towards Domino's again.

She entered and glared at Jimin. He stood up glaring back and blocked her way.

"I told you to stop." He growled

"Get out of my way." She glared at him.

"No." He glared back

"What's your problem??" She exclaimed

"What's your problem??" He asked back

"Stop repeating after me!"

"Then leave!"

"Then move out of my way first!"

"No! Leave!"

"Fucking hell I'm just gonna go get my fucking things!" She answered pushing him away and went back to Joohyunand Sooyoung. She totally forgot about them but whatever.

She angrily took her pizza boxes and bag and stormed out of the place.


im sorry if its short again and if it took me 09887473718100481717304 years to publish this--- yet again but oh well. im just going through tons of sht rn and i have chicken pox tf gudbye clear skin :( anyhoo thanks for the support!!

all the love,
(yas i changed my username bye)

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