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Jimin turned his phone off since it won't stop vibrating because of Taeyon texting and calling him nonstop 24/7.

He sighed out loud and watched Irene and Jin show how in love they are. Jimin felt sad and jealous at the same time. He misses all his moments with Taeyon but somehow, he didn't seem that broken hearted at all. He did just break up eith hs girlfriend but why is it that he doesn't seem to be that much affected bt it?

Maybe it's because he found out about how much of a psychopath she is. Maybe becausr he found out about all the shit she did. Or maybe because he never did love her the way he thought he did.

Jimin was still thinking of a way on how to apologize to Seulgi for all the shitty things he did. He cant seem to get the confidence to do it and cant seem to find the right timing to do so. Kai has been sticking on the the girl like a leech and he's getting quite annoyed by it now.

Selgi laughed out loud and Jimin's attention was brought towards her. He watched as she laughed cutely. Her lips curling up into a huge grin showing her perfecr white teeth and her eyes turning into the shape if two cresent moons. He missed seeing that and he just stared not even knowing why.

His heart fluttered at the view and it shocked him

What the hell am I feeling?  He asked to himself and ruffled his hair. He then decided to just take a nap to catch up from the sleep he has been missing and to just maybe help get rid of his thoughts and the slight headache.

As for Seulgi, she has been happy these past few days. A perfect suitor always by her side, amazing friends always there to support her, her parents are about to visit her in a month, and she's finally starting to learn how to move on from Jimin.

Of course she still loves him. It aint that easy to unlove somebody and she truly loves him. But right now, she's trying her best not to. She's doing it for Kai, she's doing it for Taeyon and she's doing for herself. No one knows that Jimin and Taeyon broke up. And Seulgi will never know unless Jimim told her so.

These past few days Seulgi has been receiving threats through texts from Taeyon. Telling her to stay away frim Jimin, to stop being such a flirt, to not go near Jimin, to not look at him, to not breathe the same air as him. Everything! Or else she dies.

Seulgi ignored all of that and didnt take it seriously. She knew Taeyon was childish and would never really kill her so she payed no attention.

The day was about to end and Kai has dropped Seulgi off at her apartment, hugging her tight and kissing her on the forehead before leaving her to go home himself. She waited until Kai has finally turned towards the corner and was about to go inside when she heard someone speak up.


Her eyes widened, her heart beating faster and her grip on the doorknob tightened.

She looked at that person, gulping down her saliva out if nervousness.

"J-Jimin. Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked

"I..." He trailed off scratching the back of his head.

"You... What?" Seulgi asked still feeling nervous iver the fact that Jimin was in front of her as they both stood outside her apartment.

Jimin and Seulgi havent talked to each other ever since and Seulgi feels very, very, very awkward due to a lot of things happening to right now that has something to do with the boy in front of her.

"Would you mind going out for some coffee with me right now?" Jimin asked

"What?" Seulgi asked, confused and shocked

"Coffee. Do you want to uhm. I mean if you want to, if you dont mind uhm-"

"Yeah, I guess. Uhm sure, why not." Seulgi answered laughing awkwardly.

"Great!" Jimin's face lit up which Seulgi found it attractive as fuck.

She found herself smiling to herself as the both of them started walking towards the nearest cafe.


"Sooo..." Seulgi started after sipping on her drink.

"Sooo..." Jimin felt nervous.

"What did you want to talk about?" Seulgi asked

Jimin bit on his lower lip--which turned Seulgi on real good by the way.

He never really liked admitting to his mistakes and hates saying sorry. But it seems like the right thing to do-- it is the right thing to do. And so he will.

Seulgi felt very awkward, playing with her drink, eyes going everywhere but Jimin.

"I'm sorry." Jimin fimally spoke up

Seulgi's shocked eyes finally met Jimin's. Her heart started beating fast again and her palms got sweaty. Jimin just seems to have this effect on her. He always did.

"Oh." She breathes out, "for what exactly?" She asked, clearly confused.

"I'm-I'm sorry for all those times I ignored you and treated you like shit. I'm sorry for saying all those mean stuff and for causing that to your foot." Jimin gulped

Seulgi was just staring at Jimin processing everything he has said.

"I'm sorry Kang Seulgi." He sighed

Seulgi's expression softened. "I already forgave you a long time ago, Jimin." She reached out for his hand and held onto it just to assure him.

Seulgi had a soft beautiful smile on her face. And for the first time ever, the Park Jimin that has always hated Kang Seulgi for always smiling and sticking by him saw Seulgi as a woman and felt his heart skip a beat.


woah woah woah hold up

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