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"You should rest." Kai said once Seulgi finally started calming down.

She stopped crying moments ago but her eyes and head hurt from crying too much.

"Sleep, it'll help you take things out of your head." Kai said helping her lie down.

He was about to walk away when she caught his wrist.

"What is it?" He asked, concerned.

"Don't leave me."

"I won't. I'll just sit by the couch." He smiled reassuringly and she showed him her puppy eyes. She didn't want him to leave my side.

"Alright, alright." He gave in chuckling lightly

He dragged a chair near my bed and sat down, keeping my hand in both of his. His hands were warm and so was the smile he gave me.

"Thank you." I croaked out

"You're welcome, Seulbear."

"I don't know what I would do without you."

"Me too. Now sleep because you need more of it." He said closing my eyes for me. I smiled at him with closed eyes then drifted off to sleep.

i'm so sorry i'm having writers block and trying to find a way to finally finish this book lmao i'll do my best :)))
also, i might be busy with school, catching up with sleep, getting more rest since i've been sick these past few weeks i should go see a doctor and for red velvet's comeback so please forgive me!!!! i was active those past few days bc it was our sembreak so yea and i was able to update today since we had no classes anyways i might not be able to update for a while me is sorry



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