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Kai and Seulgi walked the hallways as if like nothing happened to them earlier and just messed with each other like how they really are with each other.

They entered their classroom with big smiles and were greeted by their friends.

"Uniiie we missed youuuu." Joy coo'd hugging Seulgi tightly.

"We just saw each other yesterday." Seulgi said with her famous eye smile.

She's happy-- very happy ad she wanted to shoe that to everyone.

"We still missed you. Plus you've been hangin out with your stupid boyfriend these past few days we can't seem to kidnap you amymore." Irene said

"What?" Seulgi asked getting flustered by Irene's words. "Boyfriend?" She asked shyly "I do not have a boyfriend."

"Yet." Kai winked at her and joined Namjoom and Jin in their conversation.

Jimin was quiet, thinking about stuff but his ears pearked up once he heard the words Seulgi and boyfriend.

Class then started and lessons were taught and somehow learned. A few notes passed, phones used, time used for sleeping and a lot of knowing eye contacts later, it was finally lunch break.

The seven of them all went to the cafeteria talking about whatever. Jin and Irene were walking hand in hand, Joy and Namjoon walking side by side talking about science and also Kai and Seulgi. They kind of seemed inseperable eversince but the others shrugged it off not thunking of any malice. And lastly, Jimin who was walking at the back, his thoughts leaving again and going off to space.

"I'll go get luch for both of us." Kai said to Seulgi and kissed her forehead then jogged towards the others who went ahead already, except for Jimin.

He was just sitting all by himself staring off to space not minding his surroundungs at all.

Seulgi stared at him quite concerned. She was debating with herself inside if she should talk to him or not.

Oh whatever. She thought to herself then cleared her throat.

"Jimin." She called out but he didn't look. "Jimin." She called out again, but still no response. "Jimin, hey Jimin, hey." She tapped hm on his arm and he flinched.

Seulgi was shocked by how he flinched when the only thing she did was tap his arm and nothing else. It wasn't even thay strong.

"Yeah?" He asked, shoulders relaxing once his eyes met Seulgi's

"Are you alright?" Seulgi asked with her eyebrows furrowed out of concern.

"What? Yeah uhm yeah, I'm fine." He answered

Seulgi wasn't convinced though. With the tone in Jimin's voice she didn't know if he was even trying to convince her or convince himself or convince the both of them.

"Okay." She answered back and didn't ask him more questions. She just though maybe he just needs to think of some tuff and so she gave him space and time to think about those stuff.

Jimin was a little bit surprised. He was expecting Seulgi to take the chance and pester him around or to keep asking him what really is the matter. But she didn't. All she did was say okay and left him alone. He felt kind of disappointed and he doesn't even know why. Maybe it was just because he got used to the girl being very clingy or maybe he was just very expectant and needed some attention right now or maybe he really needed someone to talk to or maybe, just maybe there's this tingling feeling he feels towards Seulgi.

The others then eent back with trays in their hands.

"Thank you." Seulgi thanked Kai once he sat down and have placed both trays for him and her.

"Always at your service." He winked, poking her side and she blushed.

"Stop it." She hit him lightly trying to stop herself from smiling.

The others noticed that but have decided not to question the two.


insane chapter up next i cry

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