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"Stop all that creepy staring and just talk to him already." Seulgi said to Joohyun who's hopelessly staring at Seokjin who is having fun without her.

"No." Joohyun pouted

"Whatever." Seulgi crossed her arms, rolling her eyes and sat comfortably.

Joohyun just pouted even more which caused Sooyoung to pout too.

"Unnie help huhu." Sooyoung said to me while hugging Joohyun.

"You help yourselves." Seulgi answered

"Seokjin oppa!" Sooyoung called out

The three boys stopped laughing and looked towards their direction.

"Seokjin oppa come here!" Sooyoung crossed her arms.

"Yah! Don't call him!" Joohyun hissed

"Why not?"

"Because!" She answered standing up and walked out on Sooyoung and Seulgi.

Seokjin then started walking towards the two slowly, his eyes going everywhere and anywhere except them.

"What happened to you and Joohyun unnie?"


Sooyoung raised her eyebrows at him and he just sighed in defeat.

"I'll go talk to her." Seokjin said going after Joohyun.

"This is why I don't like being in a relationship." Seulgi said shaking her head a little

"Oh really now, unnie?" Soouyoung asked with an eyebrow raised

Seulgi just winked towards her direction.

"But you would if it was with me right?" Kai asked popping out of nowhere which gave Seulgi a slight fright

"Gotdamnit, Kai you scared me!"

"Why? Am I too good looking?" He asked with a wink

"Lord save me." Seulgi mumbled hoping he would leave her alone.

"Good job by the way." He said with his thumbs up

Seulgi gave him a questioning look.

He smirked creepily.

"What?" She asked

"Bitch fight me." He said in a really high pitch voice with matching hair flip.

"Kai, the fuck?" Seulgi half yelled

"What?" He asked acting innocent

"You followed me?" She asked

"Well, yeah. I thought you were gonna do something stupid. And you did. So I followed you." He smiled

"Why did you freaking follow me?? My gosh." She asked frustratingly covering my face

"Like I said, I thought you were gonna do something stupid. And you did."

"Why do you care anyways?" She  scoffed now crossing her arms in anoyance

"Uhmmm I'm just gonna excuse myself for now." Sooyoung said slowly standing up from her seat and ran off to somewhere.

"Do you really wanna know why?" Kai asked in a serious tone which made my attention go back to him.


"Do you wanna know why I care so much about you? Why I pester you all the time? Why I still like hanging out with you even though all you ever do is hate on me and-"

"I don't hate on you." Seulgi defended

He just smiled at her. Not the sly smirk smile or the playful smile or the fake smile or whatever. The geniune smile kind of smile.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Seulgi asked

"I'm your friend right?" He asked all of a audsen

"Wha- Of course you're my frie-"

"Do you wanna be more than that then?" He asked catching Seulgi off guard

"Would you like to date me, Seulbear?" He asked

She was just staring at him. Frozen on the spot not knowing what to answer or if what to do.

"Wh-what? Are you crazy?" Seulgi asked giving him a look

"Yeah, crazy for you." He grinned cutely and came closer towards her face

"Yah Kai! Stop it." She smacked his head

"Will you move on from your stupid one sided love with Jimin and just be with me instead?" He asked getting serious again.

( ఠ ͟ʖ ఠ)

i'm shooketh lmao i finally updated huhu pls support my new stories please (シ_ _)シ

hehe (つ≧▽≦)つ

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