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It has been a week since Jimin met up with Dr. Ha and it has been exactly three days since he broke up with his psychopath of a  girlfriend. Things didn't go well and things are still not going well.

Jimin called Taeyon telling her to meet up with her at the usual place they met up at which waa at the bubble tea shop after school.

Jimin went inside only to see Taeyon already there with a huge smile on.

"Hey, baby." She greeted Jimin going in for a kiss but Jimin rejected.

"What's wrong?" Taeyon asked once they sat down

"Everything." Jimin answered, clearly tired due to his lack of sleep.

"What? Baby, what's happening?" She asked with a questioning smile.

"Dont babe me, noona. I know everything already so stop." Jimin answered trying not to get angry.

"What are you talking about?"

"Noona, I know you hurt Seulgi and threatened her and cheated on me and hurt the people Dr. Ha loves." Jimin said through gritted teeth

"Jimin I-"

"Save it noona. We're over, alright? Don't come near me or whatever and leave me and my loved ones alone." Jimin said standing up

"Loved ones?" Taeyon asked in disbelief "is Seulgi a part of that loved ones??"  She asked standing up herself

"What? No."

"Is this why you're breaking up with me, Park Jimin?" Taeyon asked angrily her voice getting higher and the people around them started to watch.

"Noona, no. I don't like Seulgi that way. She is my friend and I dont want you hurting my fruends." Jimin explained calmly

"Frirnds?? And when did you guys start becoming friends??" She asked with hand gestures going around everywhere. "Dont you hate that girl so much?? Aren't we supposed to be partners?? Why are you leaving me me for her??" She yelled out

"Oh my gosh I have no time for this." Jimin mumbled, face palming. "I'm leaving, noona. Good bye." Those were his last words before officually leaving the cazy womam.

"Park Jimin no! We are not over yet! I will get you! You're still mine!" Taeyon's scream ocould stull be heard as Jimin left the place with a sigh.

He felt relieved and he felt free.

And now present time; Irene, Jin, Joy, Namjoon, Kai, Seulgi and him are at the cafeteria eating lunch together. Jimin was back to his old self, finally interacting with the others, having a nice laugh and everything.

"I'm glad you're back to your old self, Park Jimin." Seulgi said when the others were too caught up with the topic of kittens.

"Thanks." Jimin thanked her with a shy smile, trying to hide it. He was thankful Seulgi was oblivious and and didnt notice.

But he did notice. He noticed how Kai's arm would go onto Seulgi's shoulders. How Kai's hand would stay onto Seulgi's waist reassuringly. How he would whisper stuff through her ear from time to time. How Kai would stare at her lovingly as she laughed her ass off. He noticed all of those and he felt something he never expected to feel before just because of Seulgi. He felt fucking jelousy run through his veins and that scared him.


its just a filler chap :) i will be updating a lot as a christmas gift lmao merry christmas everyone!!! 💖

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