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to: baby noona💖

yes baby?

did you push seulgi


you guys fought
yesterday right?

she attacked me
theres a difference jimin

noona calm down
i'm not, alright?
i was just asking since
she sorta sprained
her ankle

r u concerned??
do u LIKE HER NOW??!

noona no
calm down
i love you ok?
i'll see u later

I placed my phone on the lunch table and continued to think about what happened yesterday.

It's our lunch break now and Jin and Namjoon are buying lunch while I'm here feeling gilty as fuck thinking back about yesterday if it really was me who caused Seulgi's sprained ankle.

I hate Seulgi to the guts but I don't hate her that much to physically hurt her like that- I mean not intentionally.

"Yo stop stressing yourself." Namjoon sat infront of me and Jin followed sitting beside him placing their trays on the table.

"I just can't stop thinking about it." I answered and messed my hair up

"Then go to the convenience store later and look up the cctv footage from yesterday or something." Namjoon said then took a spoonful of his rice

"Great idea. You really are a genius, Joonie." I grinned and stood up right away about to go the convenience store to do just as what he said

"Not now, pabo. Later."  Namjoon held onto my sleeve and dragged me to sit back down

I sighed and just then Irene sat down beside Jin and kissed his cheek.

"Hi babe." Jin greeted his girlfriend and fed her some of his food.

"What took you guys so long?" Namjoon asked Joy once she sat next to him

"We had to take Seulgi to the comfort room and then to the infirmary and yeah it's so exhausting. But I feel bad for Seulgi." Irene answered and hugged Jin sideways, pouting

"Yeah. Her ankle isn't just sprained now. It got worse since she didn't get proper aid and stuff so Kai has gone to the hospital with her." Joy continued and took some of Namjoon's mochi

Well those infornation just made me more guitly. Great.

"But is she alright?" I asked

All four of them looked at me.

"Yeah, but she's in too much pain so she had to go to the hospital. I'm gonna go get some food, babe wait for me." Irene said to Jin standing up

"Me too." Joy said and ran after Irene who was already walking away


"If you really did do that shit to Seulgi you should apologise." Namjoon pointed out and I just sighed slamming my head onto the table.

holla holla writing this at 3 am and i want food

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