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"We're going ahead first." Kai said to the others as he held on to Seulgi.

"Bye, guys. Be caeeful!" Seulgi greeted and the other four greeted back with waves and smiles

The other four were planning to go get some bubble tea and disscuss about Kai and Seulgi being all touchy and sweet and stuff.

"Jimin, are you coming?" Namjoon asked the boy who seemed to be thinking a lot lately.

"What?" Jimin asked feeling lost.

"We're going to go get some bubble tea. Wanna come? Or do you have plans with Taeyon noona?" Namjoon asked

"No I uhm have other plans, sorry." Jimin answered feeling more down by the mention of his girlfriend that he hasn't seen ever since.

"Oh uhh okay. We'll be going then. Be careful okay? You've been spacing out a lot lately you might get hit by a car or something." Jin said patting him in the shoulder

"Yeah, yeah I will haha thanks." Jimin chuckled awkwardly and the four finally went off, waving goodbye.

Jimin sighed nd felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He took it out and his heart started beating fast once he saw who texted him.

from: baby noona ❤

lets meet up

He sighed and replied asking her where and she replied with the address. He then right away started walking wanting answers.

He arrived a the hospital that where Seulgi was admitted to before and went to the cafe. He ordered coffee and sat down waiting for Taeyon.

A few moments later, he was on his phone when he heard someone walking and sat on the chair in frint of him. He looked up and saw the doctor he caught kissing his girlfriend before.

"Hello, Mr. Park." He greeted Jimin, crossing his legs together and placing a brown envelope on the coffee table in front of them.

Jimun was frozen. He didn't know what to do and if what to say. He wasn't expecting him to show up.  He was expecting for his girlfriend that cheated on him with this man and for some answeres to all his questions.

"I am guessung you are very confused as to if why I am here jnstead if your girlfruend." The doctor spoke up.

Jimin locked his phone and placed it inside his bag, clearing his throat.

"My name is Ha Minyung. You can call me Dr. Ha or hyung. Whatever you are comfortable with." He smiled, Jimin scoffed.

"What do you want?" Jimin asked

"I used Taeyon's number to text you and told you to come here for a reason." Dr. Ha answered, taking out his phone.

Jimin raised his eyebrows, uninterested.

"I want you to know that your girlfriend is a psychopath, Jimin." Dr. Ha said, his smile now nowhere to be seen.

"What?" Jimin scoffed

"You should break up qith her."

"What? No!"

"You should. If I did, then you should too." Dr. Ha said sternly

"What?" Jimin asked again

"Jimin, Taeyon have been hurting my younger sister because she told me she doesn't like Taeyon and thay I should break up with her. Taeyon has also been blackmailing all the nurses in this hospital to not flirt with me or even just to look at me in the eyes." Dr. Ha explained.

Jimin was confused, lost and doubtful.

"And she has also hurt your friend, Seulgi." Dr. Ha continued.

Jimin's eyes softened for a while and then glared at the doctor  in front if him.

"Stop." Jimin angrily said

"Don't believe me? Well, you should."

"Why? Why would I? I bet youre only lying to me about this so that you could have noona." Jimin said

"You want proof?" Dr. Ha asked

He moved the brown envelope towards Jimin and nodded his head towards it meaning for Jimin to open it. And he did.

Jimin opened it only to reveal pictures. Pictures of a young girl's body covered in bruices.

"That is my sister." Dr. Ha explained.

And another girl with scratches and uneven hair.

"That is a nurse that works in this hospital. I drove her home one night because she was sick and it was too dark out for to go home by herself. Taeyon found out and abused her. Telling her to get away from me and cut her hair. And now, she is admitted to this hospital and if mental and physical care."

"What?" Jimin asked breathless.

"And here, is a video." Dr. Ha said placing his phone on the coffee table as a  video started to play on his phone.

"Seem familiar?" He asked

Jimin's eyes was locked on the phone watching everyrhing that was happening on the video being played.

Jimin saw in the video Seulgi walking out of the convenience store, Taeyon following behind. He was asking himself if why he nedded to see this if he already did way back. But he stopped himself from asking out loud and continued watching.

Seulgi ignored Taeyon in which she grabbed Seulgi's wrist and they talked. Seulgi was about to leave again when Taeyon pushed her but she stood up right after and then Taeyon started hurting herself.

Jimin tensed.

Taeyon then took Seulgi's hands and started hurting herself way more. It was clear in the video that Seulgi was trying to stop whatever Taeyon was doing but then he arrived.

He saw how he pushed her onto the ground and yelled at her then left her there on the ground. She stood up moments later, limping.

His heart broke. Feeling very guilty and betrayed.

"I did that to her?" He asked hinself quietky.

"Yes you did. And Taeyon also. She payed the cashier in that conviniencw store to edit the video that you saw. And that you are watching right now is the full video." Dr. Ha answered

Jimin's having mixed feelings and don't know what ti do.

"You're still a highschool student, Jimin. And so is Seulgi. So you better do something before Taeyon does. Seulgi is very vulnerable at the monent. Very vulnerable so keep her safe" Dr. Ha said standing up from his seat "break up with Taeyon now before it's too late." He said patting Jimin on the shoulder and left a sad and betrayed Jimin very confused.


ahhh this book is near towards its ending im cryin. anyways, i will be extremely editing this book once it ends :) ily guys 💜

ps. this is the longest chapter yey im so happy hehe

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