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"I'm fine guys, chill."

"No, you're not fine. You just fainted out of nowhere for goodness' sake!" Irene exclaimed making hand gestures.

"Stop over reacting, mom." Seulgi rolled her eyes jokingly, Irene just glared at her.

Irene was about to talk back when the hospital door suddenly slammed open.


"Kai." Irene and Joy mumbled at the same time just as shocked as Seulgi was.

"Yah, what are you doing here?? You should be at your home resting!! Go back home!!" Seulgi yelled at the pale looking young man who was panting.

"I came as soon as I found out." He smiled ignoring what Seulgi said just now.

"What is wrong with you? Didn't you hear me? I said go back home! You're sick! You're such an idiot! What is wrong with you?? Your world doesn't revolve around me! You should take care of yourself too! Ugh, pabo!" Seulgi rambled on as Kai walked up towards her

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." Kai mumbled through her hair since he just suddenly pulled her into his arms.

Irene and Joy were watching awkwardly by the corner so they decided to leave the two and give them some privacy.

"Why are you here, pabo?" Seulgi asked, hitting Kai's back trying hard not to cry.

"You're sick and you should be resting." She continued hitting him

"Stop being so dramatic." Kai rolled his eyes at her pulling away from the hug.

"I know I'm the reason why you got sick. And I'm sorry I wasn't able to visit you. And why are you even here??" Now the tears started steaming down her face.

"Just admit it. You missed me." Kai smirked

He felt sad knowing that his Seulbear was feeling guilty because of him. So he decided to change the topic and just tease her. It's better than making her guilty and sad.

"Yah!" Seulgi just sobbed hitting Kai on his chest.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you even apologizing, you idiot." Seulgi asked pushing Kai's shoulder lightly

"Because it wasn't me who brought you here. I promised you that I will take care of you and be the one to be by your side forever. But I wasn't  and it was even that Jimin guy that brought you here." He clicked his tongue

"Yah! Don't talk about my Jimin like that." Seulgi frowned

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Just get some rest and I'll go talk to your doctor." Kai said then kissed Seulgi on her forehead.

"Don't do that!" Seulgi telled hiding her face from Kai

"Oh my gosh are you hlushing?" He asked, laughing

"Am not!" She yelled laying down on her bed, back facing Kai

"Sure." He chuckled lightly.

"I'm gonna go talk to your doctor now. Irene and Joy will look after you for now alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Seulgi mumbled, cupping her face trying to make herself stop blushing.

Kai could only chuckle at her and feel all giddy inside.

I actually made her blush.  He thought proudly to himself.

hi lol theres gonna be drama soon and then another drama then after that this book will come to an end huhu

anyways i'm ao happy bc u know our boys r so successful i cant even--- rv is also getting more successful and more fans i love it 💜 also,,,,, hehe  im so happy lol ok i love you guys thank you for always supporting this book!!! your votes and comments are what keeps me going!!! i love you all;;!! 💙

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