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It's been weeks since I last talked to my Jimin and it's been weeks too since Kai has been sticking to me and pestering me about anything and  everything. I mean, we're like friends now since I started calling him Kai and he hangs out with me and my two other hopeless friends.

Irene and Jin have gotten quite close to each other, I have noticed. Irene's always on her phone texting someone--who I bet my kidney on is Jin while Jwoy just keeps talking with Kai about stuff I give zero care about. They have gotten close too; I don't know, they just clicked. It's like they're total besties now. I mentally snorted at that thought.

I sighed out loud which made the three idiots look at me.

"What's wrong, baby?"

Bet you guys expected it to be Kai since she called me babe. But sucks you expected nothing since Kai lessened his flirting already when I kneed him on the spot where the sun don't shine and left him in the middle of the mall to suffer. Fun right!?:) But yeah it was actually Irene.

"Nothing." I answered with a pout and slumped down on my seat.

We're at a bubble tea shop right now just hanging out like normal teens. Bacause we're normal. I'm normal. We're cool.

"We all know something's bothering you and you would tell us it's nothing and then we'd leave you alone and then you'll get mad at us for not asking you more and now lesson learned what's bothering you?" Kai ranted rolling his eyes a couple of times.

"Ugh it's just my Jimin." I answered, giving in because honestly, I've been waiting for them to ask me about my problems or whatsoever.

"Crazy how you still call him as your Jimin when he's actually already with a noona girl in college." Kai said shrugging his shoulders.

Jwoy hit his chest and Kai just looked at her with the 'what gives?!' kinda look.

"Don't be insensitive, Kai. So tell us what's wrong." Irene said glaring at Kai and then looked at me with soft eyes.

"I miss him." I answered with a sigh.

"Oh and even though he rejected you already for like a thousand times already but oh well." Kai said again with a shrug and sipped on his bubble tea.

Jwoy hit him again a couple of times and he just yelled out some "ouch" and "ows" while trying to protect his body with his arms. (lmao)

We all glared and him then he tried acting cute and innocent.

"When was the last time you talked to him, unnie?" Jwoy asked

"I don't know when we were at Domino's and he was out in a date with that Taeyon girl?" I answerd quite unsure.

"Taeyon unnie. Unnie. Have some respect, Seul." Irene corrected.

"Woah how were you able to survive that?" Jwoy asked

I just pouted as a response because I'm actually dying inside already and I don't feel like calling Taeyon unnie.

"Did you finally realize that Jimin doesn't like you back?" Kai asked

"Seriously Kai, stop-"

"Oppa." Kai corrected

"I told you I'm not calling you Oppa." Jwoy answered with a glare.

"You will someday." Kai shrugged

"Whatever as I was saying, stop being so isensitive alright?" Jwoy said pointing a finger at him.

"I will if you call me Oppa." He smirked

"Aish!" Jwoy just ruffled her hair out of frustration.

"This is why I din't want him sticking around with us." I sid pointing my thumb at him

"Why? I'm lovable and good looking."

"Sure you are." I snorted

Only the good looking part was true.

"Going way out of topic. So going back, why don't you just try talking to him like you always do?" Irene cut in

"Because." I mumbled

"Because?" Jwoy abd Irene asked in sync

"Nothing." I answered and stood up

"I'm going first. See you guys tomorrow." I said waving goodbye and hurridly went out of the place.

I sighed once I was out of there. I don't really want them to know what happened.

Aish! Stupid Jimin always messing with my heart.


Poor seulbear :(

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