Finn knows

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They danced to a slow song. Loreali was watching them.

"What are you thinking about wife?" Luke nudged Lorelai.

"Oh, nothing husband."


"Fine. Rory told me something. She doesn't want anyone else to know yet. So please don't question her. It's big."

"Now I'm going to be paranoid."

"Sorry Luke but trust me. She will tell you soon."


"Hey mom, Luke."

"Hey kid."

"I'm gonna go home. I'm getting tired."

"Ok, hun."

"I'll see you in a few weeks. Have fun on your honeymoon."

"Are you sure you still want us to go? I mean with you know."

"Yeah. I'm sure. I assume you told Luke."

"No. I just said you told me something. That's it. I swear!"

"Well Luke... I am umm well, I'm pregnant."

"What?!" Luke shouted and people turned to the noise.

"Luke please don't cause a scene. I don't want anyone else to know. Please." Rory pleaded under her breath.

"Ok." Luke took a deep breathe. The people turned back to the dancing and drinking.

"I'm going to go home now."

"Bye kid." She gave her mother and Luke her congratulations and a kiss on their cheeks and left.


She plopped down on the couch. She lay her head back for a moment. She heard her phone start chiming. She sat up and grabbed her purse and dug her phone out of it.

"Rory Gilmore." She answered not knowing the number.

"Ahh love, so sweet to hear your voice!" Finn said in his thick accent.

"Hey Finn! How are you?! I'm not sure this is entirely appropriate, seeing as your faith would most likely lie in Logan, and since we broke up."

"We're not exactly on speaking terms, me and Logan. But that's not why I called you. I'm in Hartford. At OUR old bar." He put emphasis on OUR he meant the one where the life and death brigade members hung out.

"What are you doing at the bar? Wait never mind. I know the answer."

"Scotch darling. Anyway, I was wondering if you could come pick me up love, you see the bartender here isn't letting me go without someone showing up."

"Ok? I'll be there in an hour." She quickly got into her car and sped off to Hartford.


"Awe love, you look absolutely gorgeous!"

"Come on Finn." Finn was a stumbling mess. In all her years Rory had never seen Finn not be able to hold his liquor.

"How much scotch?" Rory asked as she got buckled into the car and helped Finn.

"A few... bottles. Maybe 10."

"Oh my God Finn. It's a surprise your not dead!"

"Nothing can kill me!" He yelled at the top of his lungs and Rory started back towards Stars Hollow.

"So Finn, why'd you drink so much?"

"I'd rather not say. Your sake not mine."

"Come on Finn. I'm not a child."

"Alright but you pushed me, it's Logan, love, I yelled at him for letting you go in New Hampshire and things got pretty heated. He accused me of loving you."

"Finn I hope you know you're like a brother to me."

"And your like my sister. That's what I told him too. He said that he still loves you but wants you to be happy."

"He makes me happy."

"I tried telling him that you two are happy together. But alas he told me to go get lost and drunk. I went out with the guys and we've been in Vegas. Then I came here and stopped at the bar to pick up some redheads. Colin and Robert had to go to Colin's parents for dinner."

"I'm so sorry Finn. This is hard on you too. God knows what's gonna happen with the baby." She whispered that last part but Finn heard her.

"Baby? Love?"

"Surprise." She did jazz hands the best she could while still holding on to the steering wheel.

"Surprise?! What Surprise?! Love what BABY?!"

"Finn, I'm pregnant. It's Logan's."

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