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"So shall we go see Logan?" Honor asked getting up.

"I guess. But isn't he with Finn."

"I forgot about that scotch lover." Rory laughed and wiped away the last reminders of her heartbreak. She wasn't going to back out now. This was her chance. Her chance to be happy, with Logan.

"We'll go tommorow. It's Saturday. Odette should be gone. Out shopping with the other ditzes she calls friends. She invited me once and since we are (we're) suppose to be family I said yes. It SUCKED!" She yelled. And the two girls laughed. They continued to laugh all through the night. They watched a movie. Ordered food service. Rory was asleep and Honor was almost asleep when Finn burst through the room.

"Loves! I'm home!" He yelled. Obviously drunk.

"Hey Finn, shut up! Rory's asleep." Honor yelled from the couch.

"They have beds here."

"She fell asleep during the movie. I couldn't move her. Help me?"

"Sure." He picked Rory up from the other couch and even though he was a little tipsy, he managed to place her in her bed. Then stumbled off to his own room.


Rory woke up late in the morning. 11:12 am to be exact. She showered, brushed her teeth and hair, put on makeup, and a black dress that was tight but not to tight, you could still see her bump but not as well. She slipped on black heels and she was ready. Ready to go see Logan.

"You look marvelous! Oh Rory! You're absolutely beautiful!" Honor marveled at her beauty.

"Morning loves!" Finn called coming into the living room.

"Let's go downstairs and eat, then me and Rory are off to see Logan."

"So Finn? How are you and Logan?"

"Good, we both apologized. He also asked me about you." Finn said sleepily. But said the last part with excitement.

"What did you say?!" Rory was mortified at the possibilities of what Finn told Logan.

"That you were well, and that you missed him."

"Finn!" Honor and Rory both yelled.

"Sorry loves! Now about breakfast?" Rory and Honor rolled their eyes and the three set off for breakfast.


"You can do this love!" Finn said to Rory as she exited the car with Honor. Finn waved as he drove off. Honor and Rory stood in front of Logan's Apartment Building.

"I can do this." Rory breathed and held her baby bump. Trying to reassure herself.


"Yeah." They entered the building and got onto the elavator.

1st floor

2nd floor

3rd floor

4th floor

The bell dinged and the doors opened. Rory stared at his door. It mocked her. She stepped out of the elevator and Honor followed.

"Wait here." Rory told Honor and went up to his door and knocked. Odette answered a few seconds after she knocked.

"Hello? Can I help you?"

"Is Logan here?" She was instantly regretting this.

"No. He went out to get coffee. We're out. Who are you?"

"I'm a friend of his sisters."

"Honor? Why is one of Honor's friends here?"

"I'll just go." Rory turned around and almost took a step away from the door.

"Your Rory." Rory spun around to face Odette.

"How did you?..."

"He says your name in your sleep. So I did some research on the infamous Rory. You'd be surprised what people write on social media and on the internet. You were his first serious girlfriend. You dated for years. Until at your graduation he gave you an ultimatum, marry him or nothing. You choose career instead of love. I don't blame you. This is what I'm doing. I'm marrying Logan to further mine and my fathers career. Logan is to."

"Do you love somebody else? You said instead of love."

"Yes. Do you want to come in? We shouldn't be talking personal in the hallway."

"Oh umm sure. Just give me a second."

"Ok." Odette left the door open but went inside. Rory looked down to Honor.

'I'm fine. Go.' Rory mouthed.

'K' Honor gave a thumbs up and pushed the down button for the elevator.

Rory went inside the apartment. Just like she remembered it but had more of Odette's things.

"Your apartments beautiful."

"Rory please. I know you've been here before. It's OK. I had my affair in Paris too."

"I'm sorry. I really am."

"It's fine really. I understand. His name was Adrien. We had an affair. But he broke it off. We were together for a year. Secretly of course because my dad didn't like him. He was tired of the secrets and sick of me being engaged when I loved him. He dumped me and I thought, so what's keeping me from just marrying Logan now! So I made the move. But when he kept saying 'Rory, right now, I don't have anything to do now but be here for you'."

"Rory, right now, I don't need to do anything but be right here for you." Rory corrected her. She remembered the time her grandfather had a stroke and he dropped what he was doing and went to the hospital to support her and her family.

"Exactly, you two love each other, I don't want to be in the middle of that. I will back off but only if you go for him. Tell him that you love him. If you do then I will go back to Paris and call off the engagement. I want you and Logan to be happy."

"Odette! How can you be so nice to me when I did such an awful thing?!" Rory was to tears.

"You did it out of love, trust me, I'm not mad at you." Odette hugged her.



"Thank you." She hugged Odette and Odette hugged her back.

"Now use my bathroom to clean yourself up. He'll be here soon."


"Yes Really." She smiled at Rory and Rory stood to go to the bathroom.

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now