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They got her to the hospital and immediately into surgery. Honor was told to stay in the waiting room. Honor called Lorelai and told her what was going on. Next she called her father and mother.

Logan had a check up and he was told to stay in the hospital bed for a few more hours to monitor him to make sure there wasn't any serious damage.

Finn waited in the room with Logan. After Honor called their families and Josh she went to see Logan. He was a teary mess when he heard his Ace went into surgery because of her lungs.

"I wasn't paying attention. I was looking at her and her beautiful smile. I was to busy to notice the other car. I could've stopped. Before he hit us." Logan weeped. Finn cried too. Honor just tried to focus on the good. She wasn't dead yet.

"Logan it's not your fault. That other guy was drunk. Rory is a fighter. She will be ok!"

"I just got her back!"

"I know Logan but we have to look on the bright side." Honor tried to remain positive.

"Are you Honor Huntzberger?" A nurse said coming into Logan's room.


"You came in the ambulance with Lorelai Gilmore?"

"We call her Rory, and yes."

"She's out of surgery. We can discuss more about this away from other patients."

"This is Rory's boyfriend and he's my brother, and our friend Finn. They can know."

"Alright well her surgery went well. We drained the blood from her lungs. Removed the broken rib that punctured the lung. She's still a little out of it, but she is conscious."

"How's the baby?! Can I see her?!" Logan asked.

"The baby is fine and I'll have to ask your doctor. Honor, or Finn, would you like to see her now?"

"Logan? Please can I go see her?" Finn begged.

"Of course Finn, tell her hi for me."

"See you soon Logan."

Honor and Finn left with the nurse to go see Rory.


"Hey Rory!"

"Hey love!"

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now