In Omnia Paratus

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-A few hours later and one too many shots later-

"God I hate folk singers!" Finn drunkly said. It reminded all of them of the time they went out drinking and Finn and Colin made fun of the folk singer.

"Boooooo!!!" Colin, Robert, Logan and Finn all yelled. Steph and Rosemary laughed along. Rory embarrassed tried to quiet the boys.

"Please control your friends!" A man sitting at the table next to them yelled to Rory.

"Hey, don't you ever yell at my girlfriend!" Logan drunkenly said to the man.

"Love? Is this guy bothering you?" He leaned towards Rory and towards the man.

"No one tells Rory what to do!" Stephanie cheered.

"Guys it's fine!" Rory tried to get them to stop.

"Ace! It's not fine!"

"Come on, let's just go!" As soon as Rory stood up the man saw her baby bump.

"What is a pregnant lady doing in a bar anyway?!" He turned to his other 3 friends and laughed.

"Hey, back off!" Logan stumbled a little when he went to stand.

"Come on Logan! Finn!" She pulled at Logan's arm.

"I'm taking Logan and Finn home, I'll be back for the rest of you in a little bit." Rory said turning to the group.

"That's where you belong. At home, not at some bar, God you put a whole bunch of people out just by being here." The man said laughing to his friends.

"You know what?! You're an ass!" Rory threw his drink in his face and Colin, Steph, Logan, Finn, Robert, and Rosemary started laughing. Rory pulled Finn and Logan out of the bar. She drove them home. It was difficult when Logan kept trying to kiss Rory. Finn also kept trying to make passes at her in the car. She pulled over.

"Logan! In the back NOW!"

"I have to say Logan, your girlfriend is even more sexy when she's pissed." Finn tried to kiss her cheek from the back seat but she pushed him back.

"Awe, come on Ace!" Logan kissed her on lips, well he tried but Rory pushed him back.

"I'm tired! I'm pregnant! I'm pissed!" Logan put his hands up and got out. He went into the back seat with Finn.


Rory just got back from picking up the others and dropping them off at their hotel. She drove home and got into the shower. She didn't hear the door open over the sound of water hitting the shower floor. She stepped out and she screamed.

"Finn!" She yelled as he stared at her naked body. She tried to conceal herself.

"Rory!" Logan said coming into the bathroom. Rory grabbed her towel nearby and pulled it around her body.

"FINN GET OUT!" Logan yelled shoving a blushing smirking Finn out of the bathroom.

"How much did he see?"


"I'm sorry Rory?"

"Have you sobered up?"

"Yeah. That small nap helped. Thanks for the coffe too."

"Look, Love I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in there. I still feel a little buzzed." Finn yelled from the other side of the door.

"He drank more of my scotch when he got here." He whispered to Rory.

"It's alright Finn!"

"FYI Rory, Pregnancy is really sexy on you!"

"Finn!" Rory and Logan both yelled. Finn laughed.

"Ok I'm going back to my room now." Finn yelled and walked away.

"Come on let's go to bed." He put his arm around her towel covered waist and led her back to their room.

"You know it's only 9." Logan winked at her.

"What are you suggesting Huntzberger!"

"I'm suggesting sending Finn to the others hotel room. They're obviously still drinking and partying. Then..." he kissed her neck.

"... we can enjoy each other without Finn."

"I think that's a great plan. Go! Go send Finn off with a taxi!" He kissed her and ran to go get Finn. Rory quickly got dressed in a white lacy nightgown. She hadn't had time to shop for maternity clothes but this was one her mother wore with Rory and gave it to her. She went to the wine cooler and pulled out a bottle of champagne and a bottle of sparkling cider. She opened the bottle of champagne for Logan and the sparkling cider for herself. She took a swig. It wasn't alcohol but it did make her feel a little classier than just drinking club soda. Logan came back into the apartment and he immediately saw Rory on the couch. She held out his bottle and he walked over to her and took it.

"Sometimes you've gotta make your own party!" Rory said and smiled at him. He remembered telling her that at the Yale meat market party her grandparents threw for her and her saying it to him at her grandparents vow renewal.

"In omnia paratus!"

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