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"What surprise? Finn! Where are we going that it includes flying from the airport?!"

"Calm down, love, it's alright. It's not good for the baby. Trust me and Honor."

"Ok. I'm calm. Wait what about clothes?"

"Honor took care of that. Now come on, the plane'll leave without us if we don't hurry."

"Ok. Ok." They had parked and got out. Rory grabbed her purse with her car keys, home keys, wallet, phone, and other womanly accessories. She also grabbed the folder she was given with the pictures of her baby. Finn grabbed a bag from the trunk and they hurried toward the terminal.

"Flight to London National Airport now boarding." The intercom said as they made it to to terminal 32.

"London! No! FINN! I CAN'T!"

"It's alright Love. You can do this. What if we're just going to see the sights." He laughed and Rory gave him a serious face.


"Honor!" Finn called to Honor who was coming towards then with their tickets in hand.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late. Are we boarding?"

"Yea. And surprise is ruined. Rory knows we're going to London."

"I figured she would figure it out by time you got to the terminal. Anyway come on. We're gonna miss boarding!" They walked to the woman checking tickets.

"Now boarding class B!" She called. Honor quickly jumped into the line before any class B passengers could.

"Sorry were class A!" She motioned to her, Finn, and Rory.

"Alright. Tickets?" Honor handed Finn and Rory a ticket. They each gave their tickets to the lady and boarded the plane. Rory and Honor sat by each other and Finn sat across from them with an older man in a suit.

"Get comfortable Rory, sleep, read, whatever you wanna do. We have a few hours." Rory nodded her head and leaned it against the window. Staring out onto the tarmac. Within the next 30 minutes they took off. Rory slowly lolled to sleep.

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now