Truth about Tristan

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"Uh-oh. Did you and Logan break up again?!" She felt a small glimmer of hope. Maybe Rory would move to Stars Hollow.

"No, OMG! IM SUPPOSE TO BE MAD AT YOU! WE'RE LIVING AT GRANDMAS OLD HOUSE! SHE SOLD IT TO US!" She yelled and hung up. She felt stupid for forgetting their fight. But obliged to tell her mom. Now she was even angrier thinking about what her mom had said. Trying to make her doubt Logan. Just so she could be selfish!

"Ughhhhhh!!!" She yelled and completely startled Logan.

"Ace?" Logan grabbed her hand and set them on the center consoled.

"Yeah." Just hearing his voice soothed some of the anger.

"Tristan loves you."

"What." She looked to him like he was crazy.

"He talks about his Mary all the time. How much he hated leaving you when you were just starting to warm up to him. He hated not being able to see your smile. He told me that if he ever saw her again, like in public that he would propose. Confess his love. I told him about my Ace and we always said that we'd have a double wedding with the loves of our lives." Tears rained down Logan's face and he pulled over to the side of the road. He continued to cry.

"Are you ever going to ask me out?" Rory said to him. Tearily he turned to face Rory.


"The kiss."

"Oh it was a clue. But Rory..."

"I love you Logan. Not Tristan. To him I may be his Mary but I'm your Ace." She kissed him.

"Your grandparents vow renewal." They continued to have two separate conversations.

"Yeah. You guessed it. You get a special surprise tonight."

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Mhm. Now let's wipe those tears. Where do you want to go. We got done early done so we have 2 hours to kill before we have to go back for dinner." Rory wiped his tears away and he kissed her hands.

"I love you Ace." He kissed her lips and she smiled, breaking the kiss.

"I love you too, Master and Commander."

"You have an amazing memory." He kissed her forehead and started the car again.

"So where are we going."

"It's a surprise." He pulled out his phone he dialed a number and when they answered he said one word.

"Diligitis." And he hung up.

"What was that about?"

"It's a surprise."

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