He Came Back

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Lorelai and Rory were upstairs with Lory when they heard the front door open. Rory looked to her mother, confused.

"Want me to go scope it out? I know my ways around and out of this house."

"No it's fine. I have a strong feeling that it's Logan." She got up and made her way down the stairs.

"I didn't think you'd be back so soon."

"Me neither."

"So what does this mean? For us." She got cautiously closer.

"Ace, will you still marry me?" He stepped towards her so he was pressed closely to her.

"Does this mean you've forgiven me?"

"Does this answer your question?" He kissed her. She melted into the kiss. They pulled apart.

"Yes, yes I'll still marry you!" They kissed again. Rory pulled away.

"Wait. My mom is upstairs."

"Hello Lorelai!" Logan yelled.



"Alright. Alright. Lory's upstairs. She's starting to get fussy. I thinks she's getting hungry. I'm going to go. I need to get back to the Inn. Call me if you need anything or a babysitter." Lorelai said coming down the stairs.

"Thank you mom, for everything." They hugged and Lorelai left.

"So I was promised that these were all mine." He motioned to her breasts.

"Sorry but a Gilmore Girl is hungry. Are you going to get in the way?"

"I know better than that." They went up to Lory's room together.

--1 week later--

"Omg! That's the dress! It's perfect on you!" Honor shrieked

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"Omg! That's the dress! It's perfect on you!" Honor shrieked.

"By that smile on your face, Id say this is the dress." Lorelai said.

"But WOW, that's expensive!" Her eyes grew wide at the price.

"It's just money. If she likes it then it's hers. No matter the cost." Shira seemed like it was no big deal but it upset Lorelai.

"Honestly Lorelai, do you want your daughter in some cheap wedding dress at a Society wedding?!" Emily rolled her eyes.

"Have you ever considered that she doesn't want a big society wedding?!"

"Mom! I want a big wedding! Stop yelling at grandma and get over yourself! This isn't the wedding you want but it's the wedding I want! I love Logan and his family and I'm having a big society wedding!"

"Your lucky Logan's still with you after the whole Finn incident!" Lorelai yelled back. She picked up her purse and left. Rory was killed by the words that just came out of her mothers mouth. Shira looked horrified from their yelling. Rory went back into the dressing room to change back into her own clothes. Honor followed her in to the dressing room.

"Are you ok?"

"She's right. I am so lucky that Logan forgave me. I don't deserve him. I don't deserve this dress. I don't deserve a wedding!"

"Rory don't say that. I don't know what happened but you don't really think that do you."

"No. I'm just upset. How could she say those things?!"

"Come on let's get you changed and back home. You should rest. So is this the dress?!"



She got home and she sent the babysitter home. Logan was still at work so she went straight to bed. She didn't sleep but just lay in bed, crying. After she seemed out of tears she called Finn.


"Finn. Can I come over?"

"I'm not sure Logan would like that."

"I know but there's something I need to know."

"You can come over."

She cleaned herself up and called Shira.

"Hello Rory."

"Hey, I was wondering if I could leave Lory in your care for an hour or two?"

"Of course bring her over!" Rory hung up, grabbed Lory and drove to the Huntzberger estate.

"Thank you so much Shira, I've got to go." She handed Lory to Shira. And took off.


"Hey Finn."

"Hey Love." She entered the apartment and Finn closed the door. She turned around to face him.

"Kiss me." Rory said plainly.


"I need to know, without the scotch, if you kiss me, if I feel anything. It's been on my mind since it happened. I love Logan, IM MADLY IN LOVE WITH HIM! But if I feel anything for you, and the kiss wasn't all the scotch, then I can't marry Logan, I can't do that to him."

"Rory. I can't do that again to Logan. I mean what if you feel something."

"We'll never know unless we do this. So Finn, kiss me."

"I- I can't."

"Finn! Please!" He kissed her and she kissed him back. Finn made an effort because in all honesty, he loved her. Rory attempted but she really wanted this to mean nothing. And to Rory it did. They pulled apart.

"Nothing. Nothing! I felt nothing! Thank you!" She kissed his cheek and ran out of his apartment. She got in her car and drove to Logan's office.

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