Night Like No Other

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Finn had a lot more scotch than usual and Rory even kept up with him. They were both completely wasted within two hours.

"Logan should not keep his house, THIS STOCKED ON SCOTCH! He'll drive a man to drink!" Rory and Finn laughed hysterically. When they calmed down Finn moved a piece of hair out of Rory's face. He left his hand against her cheek. He brought her face closer to his. He kissed her and she kissed him back. Finn slowly laid her back on the couch. He slowly slipped his hands under her shirt. He kissed down her neck.

Rory's cellphone rang and she pushed Finn off of her. Realizing how wrong it was.

She answered her phone.

"Hey Ace! I just wanted to call you to tell you that I made it safely. I know how much you worry. Remember I'll be looking forward to those breasts when I get home."

"They're all yours." She said with tears in her eyes.

"I've got to go but remember, I love you."

"Love you too." She ended the call.

"It was the scotch. We weren't thinking clearly." Finn said.

"But I liked it! I have that guilt! Finn! What are we going to do? I need to tell Logan!"

"Please. Don't. Logan's my best mate. He'll hate me."

"But what if I don't tell him and he finds out another way."

"Over my years of watching movies with my mom I've learned that when in this situation, you always tell him. Even if he does call of the wedding! Wait! What if he calls off the wedding. And Lory!"

"Look Love, Logan loves you, you can tell him, I'm sure he'll understand. He to has been subject to the power of scotch."

"Thank you Finn. I think I'm going to bed. Maybe you should go."

"Yeah." He got up and left. Rory called her mom and told her everything, eyes full of tears. Within an hour, Lorelai was there, she found Rory laying in her bed. Lorelai laid on the bed next to her and cuddled her. She held her as she cried.

Logan called again at 11pm.

"Hey Ace."

"Actually it's Lorelai."

"Oh. Hey Lorelai. Is Rory ok?"

"Umm." She let out a strangled sigh.

"She's not emotionally ok. I shouldn't be telling you that. But you should know. Something happened with her and Finn. She's really upset about it."

"Should I come home?! I called to say I was booking a hotel but I can come home early?"

"No. No. She's asleep. Just book that hotel and come home tomorrow morning. She's in good hands tonight."

"Thank you Lorelai." Logan ended the call and immediately called Finn. It went to voicemail.

"What the hell did you do to Rory? Lorelai says she's upset over something that happened between you two! I swear if you hurt her in any way I will kill you! Call me back and tell me what the hell you did to her!"

Finn heard the voicemail and hesitantly picked up his phone. He dialed Logan's number.

"Finn! What the hell?!"

"I can't tell you. Rory needs to."

"Just tell me, is she upset with me?"


Logan ended the call and looked at his background.

His Ace was beautiful that night

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His Ace was beautiful that night. That night was the night that gave Him and Rory their beautiful daughter. That night wasn't their final goodbye. But the start of their new life together. He hurt just at the thoughts of what Ace might tell him.

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