Im Never Leaving Again

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---The Next Morning--

_7 am_

Rory woke up to being under the covers with a  very familiar man. Logan to be exact. She pulled his arm off from around her waist. She got up slowly trying not to wake him. She picked up her clothing and slowly dressed. She grabbed her purse and quietly slipped out of his apartment. She hailed a cab back to the hotel. She couldn't do this. Could she? She wanted to, here was her chance to be with Logan and she was leaving.

"Excuse me, could we turn around and go back?"

"Sure miss." The driver turned around and drove back to the apartment building. She got out of the car and ran to the elevators. They opened and she swiftly got in and pressed the button for Logans floor. When the elevator doors opened she ran for his door. It opened before she got there and Logan ran out. Fully dressed. They ran into each other.

"I'm sorry I left."

"You came back though."

"I realized that if I keep going then I'd be giving up the best thing in my life and all because I let my fears get in the way. I'm never leaving again."

"I won't let you!" Logan joked and they laughed. They went back into the apartment and ate breakfast.

______10 am______

"Knock. Knock. It's Honor!" Honor called from the other side of the door. Rory opened the door and Honor nearly suffocated her with a hug.

"You didn't come home last night!"

"Sorry I was with Logan." She said with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey Honor!" Logan said coming to the door. He wrapped his arms around Rory's waist and placed his head on her shoulder.

"You kidnapped my Rory!" Honor playfully yelled.

"Your Rory?! She's mine!" Logan joked back.

"Sibling fight? Over me? Wow! I didn't think I was that special." Rory joked along.

"You're very special!" She kissed her check and she laughed.

"There's that special again, stop eating the paste special!" The three laughed.

"So you guys are together again?!"

"Yup!" Rory said with excitement in her eyes.

"And Odette? How did she take it?"

"To be honest, she was amazing, very mature, she's the one who said first that she would back off if I told Logan I loved him."

"Did she?" Honor was curious. That last time she went shopping with Odette and her friends they all talked about Rory and how Logan called her name in his sleep. And that Odette was furious with this and as she called her 'slut'. What had changed was Odette did some research and realized they loved each other.

"Yeah, it was a little, ok a lot weird."

"I'm just glad I have my Ace."

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