Back to the States

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"Why don't..." Logan whispered into Rory's ear. He kissed her neck.

"...We move this to the bedroom." He pushed her strap off her shoulder and kissed her. He kissed her on the lips and they stood up from off the couch without breaking the kiss. Rory pushed him towards the bedroom.

"You sure? Seeing how I am pregnant!" She signaled to her belly.

"I think that it just makes you even more sexier." He kneeled so he was face to belly.

"Close your ears little one." He said to the baby and kissed her belly.

"Logan!" She laughed. She barely finished laughing when Logan kissed her. It took her by surprise. She kept pushing him towards the bedroom.

---1 week later---

Logan and Rory flew to Hartford for the weekend. Finn went with Colin to Indonesia. Robert completely disappeared and so did Stephanie and Rosemary.

"So we're meeting the realtor at 4. Are you sure you don't want to check into a hotel?" Logan said to Rory as they drove away from the airport.

"No. But your parents insisted that we stay with them, no need to make them more upset."

"It's only for a few days, we'll find a house for us and our baby, we'll fly back to London, pack everything up, and send it to our new home. Where we will live."

"You've planned everything." She kissed his cheek.

"Are you absolutely sure, you could always stay in Stars Hollow with your mom?"

"No. Me and my mother are not exactly on speaking terms." 

"Come on Ace! You can talk to me."

"I'm sorry, I know, and I've just been so busy wth everything lately that I don't have time to deal with my mother."

"Ok. But why won't you tell me what happened?"

"I'm sorry, I just feel like if I tell you then you'll agree with my mother."

"Uh-oh. Now you've got to tell me." He laughed and Rory rolled her eyes.

"If I tell you then you have to promise me that we're still going to live in Hartford."

"Alright? I promise."

"Ok, my mom isn't happy that we're moving to Hartford. She doesn't want our baby to be influenced by your parents and become a rich privileged child."

"What's wrong with being rich and privileged?" Logan became agitated.

"Nothing! Logan! Absolutely nothing! I want our child    to be happy and have everything they could possibly want. Sure there will be punishment and discipline and the baby isn't going to be completely-"



"We're still living in Hartford. And our baby won't be like me when I was younger. Because it has you. If your mom or you are worried about that."

"The thing is I want our baby to have a trust fund, to have the newest cell phone, to not be worried about money! Me and my mom always were worried about money and I don't want my child to be put through that!"

"And I get that, I want that too! Maybe talk to your mom. I'm sure if you talk to her and reassure her then she'll understand."

"Thank you Logan." Logan reached across the center console and took her hand.

"Your welcome."

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now