A BandAid

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Mitchum looked shocked.

"I see, Logan, I assume you want to transfer to Hartford."

"We haven't really talked about it yet."

"Well we will talk after you have discussed it." He turned to Rory.

"I was wrong about you. You do have what it takes to be in this family. The ability to stand up for yourself. I still don't like this arrangement but you've really put me on the spot here."

"We're sorry but it's the way it's going to be." Logan said with finality.

"Welcome to the family Rory." He said like it hurt him and turned.

"Goodbye Honor, Logan, Mrs. Gilmore and Rory."

"It's Mrs. Danes." Lorelai corrected.

"Of course." He walked out of the room. Everyone let out a held in breath.

"Like a bandaid. Just got to do it quickly." Logan laughed and kissed Rory's forehead.

"So Kid. Thanks for the updates." Lorelai said sarcastically.

"Sorry Mom, I've been busy."

"I can see. So how's the baby?"

"It's fine. The nurses are still monitoring it every few hours. Oh that reminds me. Honor could you do me a favor?"

"Sure?!" Rory motioned for her to come closer.

"Can you get the baby pictures from the ultrasound. I want to give one to Logan and two for my mom, one for her, one for Luke." She whispered into Honors ear.

"Of course Rory! I'm also going to grab one. If Finns there I'll give him one too." Honor said aloud.

"Thank you!" She called as Honor left the room.

"Ok kid! It's late. I'm going to go check into a hotel. I'm going to call Luke and have him tell everyone in Stars Hollow that you're ok!"

"How does everyone know?!"

"Well I was at the Diner when Honor called. I yelled, 'WAIT! RORY'S IN THE HOSPITAL!' and Babette and Miss Patty were in the Diner and immediately after I ran to go to the house to pack some things, Babette went running around town telling people. I could barely get out of Stars Hollow with all the questions."

"Of course. Bye Mom, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course. I'll give you two some alone time." She winked.


"Ok. Ok. I'm leaving now." She turned and left.

"So what did you tell Honor?"

"Oh shoot. I forgot, I'll just give mom hers and Luke's tomorrow."

"Her what?"

"I'm not telling you! It's a surprise!"

"Ahh. Fine. So, there's an extra bed in here. Do you think they would mind if I used it?!"

"What do you mean?!"

"I mean that maybe I'd stay here at the hospital with you."

"Id like that." Rory scooted over a little bit.

"Here. Lie here with me for awhile."

He kissed her forehead and laid in the bed with her. Careful not to hurt her. She soon fell asleep.


"Knock. Knock. It's Honor." Honor knocked and came into the room. Logan and Rory were both asleep. Honor set the folder with the pictures on the bed table. She went over to Logan's side.

"Hey." He instantly woke up, startled.

"Hey Honor."

"A nurse saw you laying in the bed with Rory and told me to tell you that you could sleep in the other bed. The nurse didn't want to wake you."

"Thanks Honor." He got out of the bed and reposition Rory so she was a little more comfortable. Honor left with a small goodbye and Logan got into the other bed. He instantly fell asleep.

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