Newest Gilmore Girl

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A cry was heard. Logan looked down at the doctor. As she held their little Lorelai.

"It's a girl!" The doctor said excitedly.

Logan let a few tears slip. As Rory lay back down, exhausted.

"Dad? Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?"

"Sure!" He went over by the doctor and one of the nurses handed him the scissors.

"Right above the clip." He cut it and the nurse took the baby away to clean her up.  He went back over to Rory and kissed her.

"She's beautiful!" She smiled and he kissed her again.

"You're amazing."

"Hello Ms. Gilmore?" A nurse came into the room.

"Would you like some visitors?"

"Sure." The nurse opened the door more and Lorelai, Emily, Honor, Shira, and Mitchum all came in.

"Hey kid! How was the dynamite?"

"What dynamite Lorelai?!" Emily sniped.

"Please. Mom. Grandma. Don't fight right now. I'm to tired." A nurse came back with the baby and put her in Rory's arms.

She let a few tears slide and the baby put her hand up. She put her hand against Rory's lips and she lightly kissed it. She murmured and wiggled. Logan sat on the edge of the bed by Rory and looked down at their precious baby. Shira, Mitchum, Emily, Lorelai, and Honor all surrounded. Cooing at the newest Gilmore Girl.

"Can I hold her?" Shira asked.

"Of course." She handed Lorelai over to Shira. After a few minutes Mitchum held her, then Lorelai, then Emily, and lastly Honor.

"Daddy wants some time too." Logan said stealing little Lorelai from Honor.

"Awe I barely got any time with her!" Honor pouted.

"I've had her for 9 months." Rory said sleepily.

"If I remember correctly, you're extremely tired right now." Lorelai put her hand on Rory's forehead. Rory yawned and slowly closed her eyes. She felt Logan's familiar lips on her forehead.

"I'm proud of you Ace." He whispered in her ear and she fell asleep.


She awoke hours later to find Logan laying in the bed next to her. Holding little Lorelai. 

"Morning Ace."

"Hey. What time is it?"

"You slept through the night. They just brought Lorelai back in."

Rory sat up. He handed Lorelai over to her.

"She's perfect." She kissed her head.

"Now I have two perfect girls in my life."

"And I still have the perfect man in mine." Logan kissed her very passionately.

"Geez Ace, you want another one already?" They laughed and Rory rolled her eyes. The baby started to cry. The nurse came in.

"I think someone's hungry. Are you ready to start trying breast feeding?"


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