Another Gilmore Girl

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Rory and Logan didn't make it back up into their room until past midnight. They had dinner, after dinner drinks, and discussed a baby shower for the next month for Logan and Rory's baby. When they were all settled in and knew the gender. They also decided to have the wedding after the baby was born. They set it for September. So the baby would be 7 months old. So the wedding would be in 9 months. But they didn't go further with planning for the wedding because Emily would want to also help plan.

"Ace, you're beautiful." He kissed her neck as she just finished pulling her hair out of a ponytail that was put up after dinner, during planning.

"You better not be thinking, what I think you are."

"And what if I am."

"Logan! Your parents are right down the hall."

"That's not stopping me!"

"I still have to take a shower."

"I'll help you. Come on, the water will drown out your cries of pleasure." He teased. She playfully pinched him.



They laid in bed and tried to sleep. Sleep didn't come for either of them. Rory turned her body and faced Logan. He already was staring at Rory.

"Staring at me while I sleep. That's a new kind of creepy." She whispered and quietly laughed.

"Just admiring your beauty." He kissed her.



"Tristan and I kissed."

"What?! When?!" He yelled and sat up but Rory shushed him. She sat up to.

"In high school."

"God, Ace, you almost gave me a heartattack!" He whispered.

"I thought you should know. It meant nothing. I was upset over Dean. He was upset over Summer. But it was only once. After we kissed I told him to ask out Paris. Cuz there was this whole crush thing-"

"Honey, you're rambling. It's ok. Thank you for telling me. So Paris had a crush on Tristan?"

---1 week later---

"Congratulations! It's a girl!" The doctor said.

"Another Gilmore Girl." Logan said through tears of happiness. Rory looked up at him and was crying to. Logan kissed Rory.

"Our Lorelai Emilie Huntzberger." Rory cried harder and the doctor handed them tissues. She then excused herself to go print off a few more pictures.

---2 weeks later---

They were all moved in. A nursery was set up. Furniture bought. Walls repainted and de-wallpapered. Logan and Rory had already packed up Logan's things from London and Rory got all her boxes shipped to the house.

"OMG! I FOUND THE BOX WITH MY UNDERWEAR!" Rory squealed and Logan laughed. From across the room he was hanging his clothes into the closet. Rory was unpacking her clothes and doing the same.

"You've been without underwear for months?"

"Oh my god no. I bought some but it's just nice to finally find them." Rory's phone rang and Logan answered for her because he was closer to it.

"Rory Gilmore's phone."

"Hey Logan. Is Rory available?" A sad Lorelai said from the other line.

"Rory. It's your mom. She sounds upset." Logan handed Rory her phone.

"Hey mom."

"Kid. It's awful, he's- he's not gonna make it." Lorelai broke down and started crying.

"Mom?! Who's not gonna make it?!" Lorelai didn't answer just continued to cry. Luke took the phone from her.

"Hey Rory, we're at Saint Francis Hospital. Your dad collapsed and the doctors are saying he had a heart attack. He isn't doing to well. You should get over here."

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