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"You may be familiar with the term. It's called Braxton Hicks. They're just getting your body ready for real contractions. If you get more just put your feet up and drink water. If they don't go away when you do that then they're real contractions." The doctor explained to Rory and Logan.

"Thank you doctor."

"Your welcome. And your free to go. Stay on bed rest for a few weeks. Your stress levels are high."

"Can I still go to my fathers funeral?"

"I'd hate for you to miss it. But take it easy." The doctor said and left.

"Come on. Let's go home." Logan kissed her temple and led her to the car.

--The morning of the funeral--


Logan stepped into the study.

"Does this mean he's really gone?" Rory asked without looking up at Logan.

"I'm afraid so."

"I need you." She looked up at Logan and started to cry. He walked over to her and hugged her. She buried her face into his chest. He already had his suit on. Rory was also dressed in a black dress similar to the one she wore for her grandfather's funeral.

Lorelai showed up at the house, All dressed. The three got into a waiting car and a driver chauffeured them to the funeral.

It was like her grandfathers. Francine wanted it to be outside. There were 5 rows set up. 10 chairs in each row with an aisle in the middle. The coffin up front.

"Why'd she set it up like grandpas?" Rory whispered to Lorelai. A rhetorical question. Rory held onto Logan's hand and didn't let go. The entire service she held onto his hand, she felt that if she let go then he might leave her too.

"I'm not going anywhere." He whispered in her ear. He kissed her temple and she relaxed a little.

After words she got in a line with Gigi, Francine, and Logan continued to hold her hand. People came up and gave their condolences. After everyone else had left it was just Gigi, Francine, Rory, and Logan. Lorelai left with Emily.

Rory went up to his coffin. She fell to her knees. Logan still holding her hand.

"I miss you daddy. I don't hate you. This past week had been hard without you. People say that I'm strong. But I'm not. If only they saw the inside. Im a mess. I know you always liked Logan, and you should because he's been amazing. He's here for me. While your gone." She whispered. Logan smiled at the words she said about him. Logan kissed her hand that held onto his.

Gigi joined on the other side of Rory.

"I'm moving to Paris. With my mom. I probably won't be back to the States for awhile. I just can't deal with all this right now. It's getting to be to much. Bye sis, I love you." Gigi said and Rory let go off Logan's hand and hugged Gigi.

"I'll miss you." She started to cry again.

"I'll miss you too." They let each other go and Gigi walked with Francine back to their car.

Rory turned to feel for Logan. He wasnt there. She frantically felt around. And turned.

"Hey. Hey. Ace. It's alright. I'm right here." He was just a few feet away. Rory tackled him in a hug.

"It's like I said. I'm not going anywhere." He kissed her and they got up. They left the coffin. Left the funeral.

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now