Watch out

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"I need to go to the hotel. I have no clean clothes." Rory said trying to get out of Logan's hug.

"We can buy you clothing. Ace don't go." He held onto her tightly. Odette had just left with her things.

"Please Logan. I need to go."

"I'll come with you."

"Fine. But you have to behave." He let go and kissed her forehead.

"Let's go!" Logan headed for the door taking Rory's hand and pulling her with him.

"Slow down!" She laughed.

"You slow down you die a little." He quoted his younger self.

"You go to fast in heels and you die also!" She to played along.

Logan pulled Rory in to him and kissed her.

"Mmm, we should leave before we get out of control."

"What if I can't control myself in the car?"

"Oh shut up!" She playfully hit his chest.

"Come on." They continued down to the car.

Logan opened the door for her and went around to the other side.

"We also need to discuss some things." Rory said turning to Logan while Logan looked out onto the road.

"Like what?"

"Where we're going to live. London or New York or Hartford or somewhere else. When? Where? I want to plan. I want to be stable when the baby comes. Logan, I want to be with you and we need to have a plan. I mean I have no job, no house, I need a plan."

"And we will get one. Tonight, I'll make us dinner and we'll talk about anything and everything." Rory leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"This is all a dream."

"What do you mean Ace?"

"Us. It's a dream come true. I use to spend hours crying over you. Wishing that it was me marrying you and not Odette. That I wasn't pregnant and that you would be with me because you loved me and not because I was pregnant."

"Ace, I'm not with you because your pregnant. I'm with you because I love you and this baby is proof. And I will love this baby just as I love you. With every inch of my full heart." Logan looked to Rory who smiled back at him.

"Watch out!" Rory yelled but it was to late. Another car crashed into the side of the car hitting Rory's side. The impact knocked Rory out cold when she hit the dash board and Logans vision started to blur. The other driver got out of her car and stumbled around. Confused and drunk.

Logan looked over to Rory and grabbed her hand. Then he to fell unconscious.

People gathered around the site as police and ambulance started to show up. The police arrested the drunken man who hit them. The ambulance and fire department worked on trying to get Rory's door open. Logan's door they earlier opened and pulled Logan out. But they couldn't get to Rory.

Logan grew conscious and quickly remembered what happened.

"Ace!" He yelled as he lay on a stretcher headed for an ambulance.

"He's grown conscious!" An EMT says to the others.

"LOGAN! Where's Rory?!" Honor yelled as she ran to her brother. Finn behind her. Logan was fighting a few EMTS to let him go but he turned when he heard Honor.

"She's still in the car!" He cried to Honor.

"Miss please get back!"

"I am Honor Huntzberger! You should know my father and this is my brother! Let us be or I will bring my father into this!" She said and the paramedics let Logan go but none of them left.

"Why are you still here?" Honor yelled. Finn snickered behind her.

"We can't leave his side. He was unconscious."

"Why don't you go help them get my friend out of that God damned car! She's with child!"

"Omg!" A paramedic ran over to the car a few feet away.

"She pregnant!" She called to the fireman.

"This just got a whole lot more serious!" A fireman said to himself.

Logan let what felt like a million tears slip from his eyes. His Ace was still in that car. With their baby!

Finn saw Logans tear and realized this was a lot more serious than he could imagine. He refused to believe what he heard on the news. And so he hadn't thought about the fact that Logan, Rory, or his niece or nefew could've die. Finn let a few tears slip too.

"I don't want to lose her again!" Logan said hugging Honor and crying into her shoulder. Finn joined the teary hug.

"It's gonna blow!"

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now