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"Hey guys!" She tried to sit up but winced in pain.

"Are you alright?!" Finn and Honor said at the same time. Rory smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. Just a little sore. How's Logan?"

"He's great, there just keeping him on bed rest for a few hours to make sure there isn't anymore serious damage. They're asking his doctor if he can see you."

"He's worried about you and the baby. When Honor called me about your lungs and Logan heard he flipped. Telling people that she better live or he's suing every last one of them." Finn said with a smile.

"That sounds more like his father, well the suing part not the caring about me part." She let out a small laugh and winced.

"Careful Love!" Finn rushed to her side. Honor went to her other side. Finn kissed her forehead and Honor took her hand. There was a knock on the door. A nurse peeked her head in.

"There's someone who would really like to see you."

"Ok? Send them in." She opened the door all the way and Logan walked in.

"Logan!" Rory's smile grew wider.

"Hey Ace!" Logan walked over to her and the nurse closed the door. Honor backed up and Logan took her spot and kissed her. Honor went to stand next to Finn.

"I'm glad you're ok!" He said pulling apart.

"Me!? I'm glad YOU'RE ok!!" He kissed her again.

"We're all glad you're both ok!" Honor laughed.

"Does my mom know?" Rory asked Honor.

"I called her and she's said she was leaving for London. She'll be here in a few hours."

"Thank you!" Honor hugged Rory.

"Dad isn't coming until after work." Honor said to Logan.

"Of course not. I've been discharged so I'll be here with Rory. Honestly he doesn't even have to come." Logan responded.

"He should come though. We can tell him about us." Rory meekly said to Logan.

"No. You don't need that stress Ace."

"Logan. He'll figure it out when he comes here and you're here with me!"

"Logan, I agree with Rory. I'll be here too. Finn? Are you staying too?"

"Mitchum doesn't really think to highly of me. I better not make the situation any worse."

"Ok Finn." Honors phone chimed and she pulled it out.

"It's your mother. She's here. I'm going to go get her."

"I'll go too." Finn left with Honor.

"Guess you won't be making dinner for us tonight."

"Guess not. Ace, are you sure about my father."


"Lorelai?" Honor called.

"Here!" She raised her hand.

"Hey Lorelai, she's this way."

"Hey Finn."

"Hey." They followed Honor and she waved off the nurse when she went towards an area that was off limits. The nurse knowing that they were going to see Rory let them through.

"Honor?" They heard a familiar voice from behind. The three turned.


"Where's Logan? I talked to the nurses and he said he was with Rory Gilmore!"

"Father. I think Logan should explain."

"Explain what?! What is my son doing with her?! What about Odette?!"

"Father, please calm down! Logan will explain."

"I'm going to go." Finn said and turned to leave.

"Logan and Rory are in here." They came to the door. Honor opened it.

"Hey Honor, where's my mother?"

"Right here!" She said coming out from behind Honor and walking towards Rory.

"Hey kid!"

"Logan." Mitchum said deeply. Logan looked to the doorway. Honor wore a regretful face and Mitchum wore his usual pissed face.

"Father?! I didn't think you were coming until later."

"I finished work early. What are you doing here with her and where's Odette."

"Her name is Rory, Dad! And Odette is in Paris."

"Why is she in Paris?"

"She moved back. We both agreed to break of the engagement. I'm with Rory now, we're having a baby."

"We had a deal! You would further the company by marrying Odette! And how do you know it's really yours!"

"Are you saying my daughter isn't good enough and a gold digger?! Again?!" Lorelai started to fume. Remembering the time Rory went to dinner with the Huntzberger.

"Excuse me, this is between me and my son!"

"It concerns me when you're attacking my daughter!"

"Dad! I love Rory and we're together now! There is nothing you can do about it! I understand if you fire me but I'm sure you don't want your only heir to be fired!"

"Do NOT threaten me!" Rory who was silent the whole time had finally had enough.

"I'm sick of you telling me I am not enough! I am a great journalist! I am a great girlfriend! And I am no gold digger! Honestly I don't know how I've put up with you all those years!"

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