Please Don't Go

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"Honor?" Logan called to her. She was in his apartment lobby.

"Logan! Hey."

"Where's Rory?"

"Upstairs. I thought you were up there too."

"No. What do you mean."

"Odette invited Rory inside the apartment. I thought you were in there."

"Damn it. Nice to see you Honor. I need to get up there. Bye." He didn't wait for Honor to reply. He ran to the elevator.


"You can do this." She told herself in the mirror. She wiped her mascara that ran. She opened her purse and pulled out her spare makeup. She reapplied it and smoothed down her hair. She straightened out her clothing and exited the bathroom.

The front door flew open and startled Rory. She gasped loudly and Odette ran into the living room.

"Where is she?" Logan called stepping into the apartment.

"She's right here. I'll give you two your privacy." Odette said smiling next to Rory. Odette grabbed her purse and phone and exited the apartment.

"Hi Ace." Logan had a huge grin on his face.

"Hi Logan." Rory stood awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" He took a step closer.

"There's something I need to tell you." She stayed where she was.

"Rory, I love you." He took 4 more steps and was right in front of her. He held her arms.

"Logan. I-I-I I love you too." He kissed her and she pulled away.

"I met Odette. She's an amazing woman."

"I know. But I don't love her."

"Logan?" A tear fell from her eye.

"Ace? What's the matter?"

"I'm pregnant." Logan looked down to her belly.

"Paul's?" Logan was hurt. He honestly thought that it couldn't possibly be his.

"No. He broke up with me over text. But I deserved it."

"Who's is it?"

"Yours." Another tear fell.

"Ace." He put a hand on her belly. Rory put her hand on top of his.

"You don't have to be apart of the baby's life. I just thought you should know. I should just go."

"Ace. Please don't go. I want to be with you. Honor's made me see that we are meant to be together. Please stay with me?" He put his other hand on her cheek.

"I'll stay. But what about Odette."

"I'm going back to Paris. Our engagements off. Be with Rory. Trust me, this is what I want to. Sorry but I was eavesdropping." Odette said coming back into the house.

"Odette, I'm so sorry." Logan started.

"I'm not. I understand what you and Rory have. Our dads won't be happy but I'll handle them. I'll be moved out by Tommorow. And I'm spending the night at a friends." Rory ran to Odette and hugged her. Again Odette returned it.

"Friends?" Odette asked Rory.

"Of course." Rory said and let go of Odette.

"Thank you Odette!" Logan hugged her to.

"I'm going to go get packed. I'll see you two tomorrow at 11am to get my stuff. So you better both be decent." She laughed and went into the bedroom. Logan turned to Rory and he had a huge smirk on his face.

"What?" Rory looked at him confused.

"Come here."

"I'm a few steps away."

"Just come here." Rory cautiously took a step toward Logan. He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him. He kissed her passionately and this time she didn't pull apart. She kissed him back just with as much fire.

"Ok. Ok you too. I'm leaving now. Have fun." She laughed and waved bye before exiting. Rory and Logan laughed.

"She's gone."

"Logan? You're not suggesting what I think you are, are you?"

"Oh I am!"

"Logan. I'm pregnant!"

"And that's stopping us?" He said kissing her neck.

"You just broke up with Odette!"

"We were only together because of our parents. Come on. Let's forget about everyone else for a few hours. I've missed you, and I finally have you. I love you Ace."

"I love you to Logan." They kissed again and they stumbled to the bedroom. Gradually losing their clothing.

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