Everyone Knows

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Rory burst into tears at her Grandfathers signature. He was right. The funeral was in two days, at first she wasn't going to go. But this letter changed everything. He was right. How did he do it at 10, when she was 32 and she could barely handle this. She wiped her eyes and stood up. She opened the study door, the letter still gripped tightly to her chest. As soon as she opened the door Logan saw her. He went over to her.

"Ace. There you are. What's the matter?"

She held the letter out to him. He read it and hugged Rory.

"Does this mean you're going to the funeral?"

"Yeah. Now come on. We have a party to host."

Everyone was there. Everyone who could, came from Stars Hollow, Logan's mom, Dad, sister, and Josh, Lorelai, Luke, Emily, Finn, Robert, Colin, Steph, Rosemary, Paris, Doyle, Their kids, Lane, Zach, and their kids.

"Hello Everyone! Would are parents to be please come over here to cut the cake. Inside will be the color that will tell us the gender!" Shira shouted to everyone from by the cake. Everyone started to cheer as Shira finished. Rory and Logan made their way towards the cake.

Rory took the knife and Logan put his hand over hers. He put his other hand on the small of her back. They cut into the cake. They pulled a slice out. Rory and Logan knew it was going to be pink but they still enjoyed all the cheers and gasps from their friends and family.

"A girl!" Finn yelled. He ran up to Rory and hugged her stomach.

"Don't squeeze her to hard!" Rory laughed and so did Logan, as did a few other guests.

"Sorry love!" He let go.

Lorelai also came over and hugged Rory.

"Another Gilmore Girl!"

"The fifth one. Or the fourth Lorelai."

"Wait your naming her Lorelai!"

"Lorelai Emilie Huntzberger!" Emily heard the name and immediately started glowing. She thanked Rory for naming her after her. Logan and Rory both got their fair share off congratulations and hugs.


"You did great today." Logan said to Rory as she hugged him.

"I don't know how I did it. He'll never know his granddaughter. She'll never know her grandpa. She only has you and Mitchum as fatherly figures."

"She'll have Finn, and Colin, even Robert too. And I'll try my damnedest to be enough for her."

"But what if we're not! What if we're are horrible parents. You'll probably be a great parents and she'll resent me! Because I'll be a horrible mother!"

"Rory, you'll be a great mother! Your tired, it's been a long day, why don't you go to bed and I'll finish clean up."

"I love you Logan." He kissed her forehead and she went off to bed.

"Logan!" He heard her yell from the stairs. He ran to where he heard the call and saw Rory sitting on the stairs holding her stomach.

"Is it the baby?!"

"I think I had a contraction!"

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now