Boyfriend's Apartment-Coming

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"Ready Ace?!" Logan smiled at her. She nodded her head yes and smiled back at him as she packed the rest of her things. She took Logan's hand and the nurse led them to the desk to discharge Rory.

"We just need you to sign here. And Mr. Huntzberger to sign here." Rory signed and then handed the pen to Logan. He also signed. 

"Now remember. Her lungs are still recovering. The infection a few weeks ago didn't help. She is susceptible to lung related problems. So be cautious. Other than that you guys are free to go."

"Thank you." Logan and Rory waved goodbye and Logan led her to the car.


They got to the fourth floor of Logan's apartment building. The two made their way to Logan's door. Logan put his keys in the door and turned it. He turned the door knob and opened the door. The apartment was dark. Rory swore that she heard voices.

"Go on Ace!"

"No! There could be an axe murderer in there! It's creepy!"

"Come on. Just go in a step."

"Fine. But if I die then you'll forever know that it's your fault I died."

"Ok Ace." Rory took a step forward into the apartment. She was blinded by the lights that suddenly came on.

"SURPRISE!" A bunch of voices yelled.

"Now Love, I hear you think I'm an axe murderer!" He laughed and hugged Rory. She broke from the hug and saw it was Finn and then she looked around.

Colin, Robert, Finn, Stephanie, and Rosemary.

"The fact that our little party was in London was a deal breaker for a few people." Logan said from behind her.

"But we can still drink and have fun!" Robert cheered.

"I can't drink!" Rory pouted.

"Don't worry. We have sparkling apple cider, and a bunch of random sparkling things." Logan said again.

"Omg! We should go to the bar! For old times sake!" Rosemary suggested.

"Yes! Come on Rory!" Stephanie pulled her towards the door.

"Wait for us!" Finn cheered as they all made their way to the bar.

"Sorry Ace." Logan apologized to Rory in the car. The two were taking Logan's car to the bar. And the other five piled into Finns car.

"About what?"

"I mean that we're going to the bar and you can't even drink. I thought we were staying at the apartment."

"Oh. It's fine. Not the first time I've been designated driver for your little drunken nights."

"You're sure you still want to go?"

"I'm sure." They rounded a corner and drove a little further and parked. They were at the bar. They got out just as Finns car pulled up.

"I never want to sit by Colin and Stephanie EVER again!" Rosemary complained as she got out. She linked her arm with Rory and Robert and Finn got out.

"Colin? Steph? You coming?" Logan called to them. He saw them through the window.

"Okay! I'm assuming not yet." He turned away.

"What do you mean?" Rory looked through the window.

"Okay!" Rory looked away. Colin and Stephanie were kissing and all over each other.

"I didn't know they were together?!" Rory said surprised as the five continued into the bar. Rosemary let go of Rory so Logan could put his arm around her waist.

"Let's go get wasted!" Finn shouted before he opened the door.

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