You Jump, I Jump Jack

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"Rory. Rory. We're here." Honor tried to wake up Rory.

"Love? You awake yet?" Finn tried from across the aisle.

"Mm." Rory kept  her eyes closed.

"Hey love, we're here!" Finn said excitedly.

"You jump, I jump Jack." She murmured still half asleep. Holding on to the small sliver of her dream. It was more like a memory.

'You trust me?'

'You jump, I jump Jack.'


'You did good, Ace!'

'That was a once in a lifetime experience!'

'Only if you want it to be!'

This was a memory turned into a dream because what happened next in the dream did not happen in real life.

'They kissed. No Dean. No body in their way. No Odette. No baby. Real love.

'Rory. Rory. Where here.' Logan said pulling away from the kiss.

'Logan? We're where?'

'Love? You awake yet.'

'I'm not asleep? Logan?'

Rory woke with a start.

"Rory? You awake? We're in London." Honor said putting a cautious hand on Rory's leg.

"Yeah. Sorry. I was dreaming."

"About Logan?" Finn giddily asks.

"If you must know. Yes." Rory says with a huge smile. She frowns.

"But of course that was only a dream. Not real life."

"But that CAN be real life!" Honor tries to reaffirm her. The plane roughly hit the tarmac. Signaling that they had landed. They were now in London.

"Loves! We're here!" Finn said trying to stop the tears that started to gleam in Rory's eyes. It seemed to work because Rory blinked away her threatening tears and smiled. Looking out the window.

"You may now unbuckle." The intercom spoke from above their heads.

"Class A. At this time may grab their carry-ons and exit the plane." It sputtered back to life again. The three stood up and Finn grabbed his bag. Then they exited the plane. Rory was silent they whole way to the hotel. Finn and Honor sent each other sympathetic looks.

"Rory?" Honor called. She was already out of the car and Rory was still in the car. Staring out the window. When she turned to Honor she had tears in her eyes.

"Rory. Come on. Let's go upstairs and we can have some girl talk." She silently nodded her head and climbed out of the car. They checked in and headed up to the 7th floor.

"Ok Finn. Logan is expecting you."

"Why me?!"

"Go apologize."

"Alright. Love? Will you be Ok?"

"Yes Finn. Go ahead."

"Come on Rory. Girl time."


"Are you happy without Logan in your life?"

"No." A single tear fell from her eye.

"You have a chance to have him in your life."

"I also have a chance to really lose him. Forever."

"Rory! Please, I know you're scared! But you're both so scared of getting hurt and wanting the other to be happy that you don't realize that you are made for each other!" Rory was a river of tears by now.

"What do I do?!" She cried harder.

"You talk to him. I'll be here for you the entire time." They hugged and Rory stopped crying.

"So. Shall we go see Logan?"

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now