Night To Remember

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Honor, Lane, Paris, Stephanie, Rosemary, Lorelai, and Rory all went out for Rory's bachelor party. They went out to a club in Hartford. Rory wore the same dress that she wore that night she accused Logan of an affair.


"Rory Gilmore."

"Right this way." He led them to the VIP area.

"Courtesy of Mr. Huntzberger." He gestures to the VIP table and walks away.

"Let's kick the night off with some shots!" Lorelai cheers.

"I'll get you some sparkling cider." Rory says to Honor and walks away to get the shots and sparkling cider.

_4 shots (each except for Honor) later_

"Ok last round and then we dance!" Rory cheered. She picked up her shot glass and downed the liquid.

"Let's dance!" Rosemary pulls a few of the girls up. She looked terrified after she tried to pull on Paris and Paris gave her a death stare.

Rory, Stephanie, Lane, and Rosemary went to the dance floor. The song 'Shape of You' by Ed Sheeran came on. The girls were dancing together until Rory felt someone grab her waist and pull her into him. She gasped and pushed him away. She turned to see Logan.

"Ow, Ace!"

"Logan! Don't do that!"

"Can't I surprise my beautiful fiancé?"

"Your not even suppose to be here!"

"Finn was about to order strippers. It was either come here and I get to see my beautiful fiancé. Or stay home and have to see a stripper."

"Have to?"

"Oh just be quiet. Cuz I'm in love with the shape of you." He sings in her ear and she giggles. They start to dance to the music together.

"Promise me you'll never sing again!"

"We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your body
And last night you were in my room
And now my bedsheets smell like you." He sings again.

"I thought it was OUR room?"

"You are no fun tonight!" He laughed.

"You call this no fun?!" She pulled his head closer to hers and kissed him. She started to trail kisses down his jaw and neck. She pulled away. He instantly missed her lips on him.

"Now mister, that's all you get from me tonight, I have a bachelorette party to get back to. And you have a bachelor party to get back to."

"I'm tortured!" He threw his head and hands back. Rory laughed and walked back to the table. Paris and Lorelai were in deep discussion over Luke's 'boys'. Honor sat awkwardly listening.

"I'm just saying, that if you wanted kids-"

"Paris! I'm not comfortable talking about this in public or even at all!" Lorelai stopped the conversation.

"Hey kid."

"Hey, you guys didn't want to dance?"

"I didn't want Honor and Paris to be lonely."

"Come on Paris, lets get some more alcohol." Lorelai and Paris got up.

Rory sat next to Honor.

"Logan shouldn't marry me."

"What?! Rory what do you mean?!"

"I don't deserve him. He should've married Odette. He's probably only marrying me because of Lory. Does he even love me?" Rory asked Honor.

"Rory! Of course he loves you! He loves both you and Lory! He never loved Odette."

"God, why am I doubting him and us? Thank you Honor!"


The boys took to the bar and occasionally saw the girls. The girls took to the dance floor and occasionally saw the boys. Then Rory saw someone she never thought she'd see again.



"Yea. So what are you doing here?"

"I'm out with my friends. What are you doing back in Hartford?!" They talked louder to be heard over the music. They moved closer to be heard better too.

"I'm in town for my cousins wedding. It's tomorrow actually. Yea, it was last minute, my dad got the invite and since I was in town he's making me come with."

"Do you know who your cousins marrying?"

"Last I heard it was some French Heiress. So, I guess it's her."

"So which cousin?"

"Logan Huntzberger? Do you know him?"

"Yea, actually he's my fiancé."

"I'm sorry the music is a little loud. What did you say?"

"Yes I do know him, he's my fiancé." Tristan looked confused for a moment before everything clicked.

"Your a French heiress?!"

"God no, they broke off the engagement like a year ago. When he found out I was..." she trailed off.

"Found out you were... what?"

"Well pregnant."

"Oh, congratulations I guess." Logan was witnessing everything from the bar. He had a lot to drink and next thing he know he's up and walking towards the two. He comes up behind Rory, he spins her around and kisses her. He even grabs her ass. She giggled against the kiss.

"Hey." Rory smiled at him and he smiled at her.

"Hey Ace." He kissed her again.

"Oh my god, Logan, look who I ran into!"

"Hey Tristan, long time no see, so you coming to the wedding?"

"Yea. You know me, hopefully trying to find a date to the wedding." He tried to act as if he wasn't hurt that Rory was with Logan. He saw Logan put his arm across her shoulder and pull Rory closer to him.

"Tristan. It was so good to see you, I can't wait to catch up some more, maybe tomorrow. But I need to go remind my fiancé that even though he finds me irresistible that he's suppose to keep his hands off me tonight. But tomorrow night, I'm all yours." Tristan's heart broke at Rory's words.

"Awe, Ace." He kissed her again and she threw her arms around his neck. She reluctantly pulled away. Tristan, broken-hearted, walked away. Rory and Logan walked over to the bar and had even more to drink.

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