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___12 weeks pregnant___

"Ready love?" Finn asked as they walked into the hospital room. The twelve week ultrasound.

"Do I have a choice?"

"I guess not!" Finn laughed. Honor was busy, she said she had lunch with her parents and Josh. It wasn't true but Rory didn't know that.

Rory hopped onto the bed and laid down. Finn pulled up a chair next to her.

"You know that you're going to start showing. You should tell Logan soon."

"I will. I just. I don't know. I wish this wasn't so hard."

"He moved back the wedding. Honor says. She also says he moved it back because he told Honor that it gave him more time. For what I don't know but I know that he told Honor something else and she's not telling me!"

"Finn. He probably moved it back because of work. Not me. Not for more time. Whatever he means by that, If that's what he really said. Not for this baby. WE'RE OVER!"

"Rory." Finn started. The doctor walked in and the conversation was paused until later.

"Hello Ms. Gilmore and is this the father?"

"No just a good friend."

"It's nice to have friends to be here when you're going through pregnancy."


"So shall we get started?"


"Logan come on!"

"Honor! I told you. She doesn't love me anymore."

"That's BS! Logan, I've been with her for six weeks! She still loves you and you need to get your ass back here to the states. Cancel your wedding. You already moved it back in hopes she would stop you from marrying her. She needs you."

"Why have you been with her for the past six weeks?"

"She's my friend Logan. She's been a mess without you. Tell Odette it's off and get your ass here."

"It's not that simple."

"Fine. We're coming there. Tonight. We'll check into a hotel. Finn, Rory and I."

"Rory would never go for it though. And Finn hates me right now."

"Trust me. We'll be there."

"Thank you sis."

"Your welcome. Bye." Honor hung up the phone and quickly packed. After she was done she shot Finn a text.

We're going to London. Tonight. Logan knows we're coming. ~Honor

Ok. Do you want me to tell Rory? ~Finn

No. Im going to Rory's to pack her bag. After the ultrasound drive her to the airport. Do you need me to get you clothes. ~Honor

Nah. In Omnia Paratus. I always have a bag of clothes in my car. For reasons like this. ;). See you at the airport. ~Finn

Honor got into her car, and drove off to Stars Hollow.


The doctor moved around the camera trying to find the perfect angle.

"Here we go. It looks like your baby is growing perfectly."

"Is it a boy or a girl doc?!" Finn asked excitedly.

"Finn, you can't tell the sex of the baby yet."

"We'll schedule that ultrasound for in 8 weeks. At 20 weeks you can tell."

"Thank you."

"Is there anyway we can tell now?" Finn asked.

"Well so far it's a girl but it could develop its male parts within the next few weeks."


"So far, but it could still be a boy. Don't get your hopes up Finn."

"Ah, right you are love."

"Do you want any pictures?"

"YES!" Finn yells before Rory can say anything.

"Logan will want to see her."

"Yeah." She said meekly.

"How many?"

"Umm, well Mom and Luke, Finn, Honor, Grandma, Logan, Me, Dad, and maybe Colin and Robert. So 11. One for each of them and an extra one. In case."

"11 it is." He started the printer.


They got out of the room with the pictures in hand. Rory went over to the desk and asks the receptionist if she could schedule her next ultrasound. It was set for in 8 weeks.

"Finn where are we going? Stars Hollow is the other way. We're going towards the airport."

"Me and Honor have a surprise for you!"

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