It Wont Be Ok

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Rory silently ended the call. She stood and with silent tears rolling down her face she turned to Logan. She screamed and started to fall to the floor. Logan caught her before the fall hurt her or the baby. She cried violently into his chest.

"Come on Ace, your father needs you right now, he needs you to be strong for him."

"I-I can't. First my grandfather now my father! This isn't fair!" She cried harder. Logan helped her stand up right and slowly they walked to the car. Logan drove as Rory settled down a little. She silently cried looking out the window of their new car.

"Thank you Logan." She said and was silent the rest of the way.


"Hey Luke. Where are you guys? We just got here?" Logan asked Luke over the phone.

"3rd floor. Room 312. Thank you. We'll see you in a bit." Logan repeated the information and hung up. He lead Rory to Chris's room.

"Mom." Was the only thing Rory said when she saw Lorelai outside of Chris's room.

"Rory." They hugged each other and cried into each other's arms. After a few minutes they pulled apart.

"He's in there. I couldn't go in without you. I needed you. It just reminds me of Dad."

"I need you too. We already lost grandpa! I can't lose my daddy too." Rory cried more and they hugged again. They pulled apart and Rory opened the door.

"He just got out of testing. They say that he's very fragile. He could possibly not make it to tonight." Rory held onto Lorelai's hand as they stood next to his bed.

"I love you daddy!" Rory cried as she hugged his unconscious body.

"Oh my god!" Gigi yelled as she ran into the room. She was 16 now. She just landed for a surprise visit to see her Dad when she got a voicemail from Lorelai. Saying her father had a heartattack.

Rory and Gigi just hugged their father as Logan comforted Rory by rubbing circles on her back and Rory continued to hold onto Lorelai's hand. Luke stood holding Lorelai's other hand. Francine came in next and Gigi pulled away from her father to hug her grandma. They stood their on the other side hugging each other and hugging onto the idea that he would be alright. They had hope.

Lorelai, Rory, and Luke had reality. Luke went through the same thing with his father. Logan, well he wasn't naive.

"It'll be ok." Francine coaxed Gigi.

"No it won't." Rory whispered at first.

"No it won't." She said louder.

"No it won't" Rory yelled.


"It won't be Ok! Nothing's ok!"

"Calm down Ace, yelling at them won't make your pain go away."

"I'm sorry Gigi. I'm sorry Francine."

"It's alright Rory. This is hard on all of us. We just need to stick together. For better or for worse." Gigi says as she tries to smile.

That's when the most heartbreaking sound erupted.

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