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"So you think I'm having an affair?" Logan asked Rory while tangled in the sheets with a naked Ace.

"Omg! I'm so sorry. I was stressed and I didn't mean it. That's why I did all this. I felt so bad."

"I get it Ace. I'm sorry I couldn't be there. Just so you know I'm not having an affair. How could I when the only woman I ever want to be with is already with me. In my bed. I might add."

"Shut up Logan!"

"That name you so love saying. Especially screaming it out for all the neighbors to know."

"What if I start screaming some other guys name."

"You wouldn't." He smirked. Loving his little banters with his Ace.

"I would. And I will."

"Who's name are you gonna call? Roberts?"

"Nope. FINN! FINN! OHHH FINN!" Logan silenced her by kissing her.

"Finn?" Logan asked as they pulled apart smiling.

"My handsome, sexy, mysterious, scotch loving, lover."

"Ouch. That hurts."

"Sorry." He kissed her again and it got heated. But Rory's phone rang. At first she ignored it. But it rang again. She pulled away from a pouting Logan and answered it.


"Rory?! I'm here alone with Lory and she won't stop crying! She ran a fever of 104! I'm going to take her to the hospital! I'm scared out of my mind!" Shira was crying on the other end.

"Oh my god! Yes take her to the hospital! We'll meet you there!"

"I'm so sorry to ruin your time with Logan! OH!" She shrieked.

"What's happening?!" Logan asked.


"She's breathing weird and wheezing! I'm calling an ambulance!" Logan heard that and he immediately got up and got dressed.

"Yes! HANG UP! CALL THE AMBULANCE!" She screamed and Shira hung up. Rory sprinted to get clothes on.


"Shh. Shh. It's alright. Your back home." Rory rocked Lory in her arms, in the rocking chair, in the nursery. Lory fused a little but then latched on to her breast.

"How are your lungs?" She baby talked to her daughter.

"Ace. Her lungs are ok now. It was just a small infection. You can stop worrying."

"Yeah. I guess." She looked up to see Logan leaning against the doorway.

"So am I going to have to fight my daughter for your breasts?" Logan said cheekily.

"After she's done. They're all yours." She walked behind her and kissed her head.

"So why are you so dressed up?"

"Actually I came to tell you that my father wants me to meet with him and his colleagues. At a party in New York."

"New York?! Do I need to come with you?"

"Ace, that's not necessary. I want you to stay here and be comfortable, be with Lory, I know how much leaving her worries you. You haven't left her with anyone for a week since it happened. I even invited Finn over to help you."

"Thank you Logan." He kissed her on the lips.

"I need to leave now, I have to be there by 8 and it's already..... 5:15. I love you Ace." He kissed her one last time and kissed his daughter. He even cheekily kissed Rory's breast. Making Lory fuss and stop eating.


"Sorry. I couldn't resist." He kissed her again. And again. And again.

"Ok! Ok! I'm leaving."

"Wait one last kiss."

"Fine." He went to kiss her but faked it.



"Rude!" He left the nursery but he came back in and gave Rory a kiss.

"Thank you!" She smiled and he left.

Finn met Logan downstairs and told him that Rory was upstairs in the nursery. He walked up the stairs and he went into the nursery.

"Woah!" Finn shielded his eyes as he saw Lory sucking Rory's breast.

"It's fine Finn."

"I'll never look at breasts again!"

"I don't believe that Finn." They laughed and Lory finished. Rory put her into the crib and Lory yawned. She closed her eyes.

"Thank God. But she'll be up in 3 hours for more." Rory laughed and Finn did to. But still shielding his eyes.

"Finn. It's all clear." He cautiously put his hands down.

"So got any scotch?"

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now