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--5 months into the life--

"Logan! Get your ass home now! Your mother and my grandmother are driving me crazy and Lory won't stop crying!"

"I'm sorry Rory, I can't. I'm about to go into a meeting with a big publishing group. My father needs me. Please just calm down. I'll be home in a few hours."


"What?! What the hell are you talking about?! Rory! I am not cheating on you and nor would I ever!"

"DONT YELL AT ME!" Rory hung up and the girls who overheard the affair part of the phone call came running over to her.

"Oh honey. It must be a misunderstanding." Emily started.

"I accused him of cheating. I am just so stressed and I took it out on him. With the wedding in 2 months and all the planning and Lory. I just- I just -I." She broke down in tears and didn't finish the sentence. She didn't have to and Shira and Emily hugged her.

Logan's phone beeped signaling she ended the call. He exited his office and went into the meeting.

"Ah there's my son. Mr.Duke meet my son Logan." Mitchum said.

"Hello Logan." Mr. Duke shook Logan's hand.

"Hello Mr.Duke." They let go.

"So shall we start?" The three took a seat.


After a few drinks and a signed contract the meeting was over. Logan said his goodbyes and hurried to his car. He got home and saw that Emily and Shira had already left. He walked into the house.



He put his coat on the coat rack. He set his briefcase on the foyer. He cautiously walked towards the kitchen.

"Where's Lory?" He entered the kitchen and Rory was in a black dress. Hugged tight to her body. She had a glass of wine in her hand. The lights were off and a few candles lit the room.

"With Shira and Mitchum." He walks closer to her.

"So who are you all dressed up for?"

"Well my boyfriend was suppose to be coming over but I guess I'll make do with my fiancé."

"Sorry to disappoint." She handed him a scotch neat.

"A woman who knows exactly what I want." He kissed her neck. She put her hair up, knowing exactly that her neck was Logan's kryptonite.

Sexual Content Ahead: Caution- If you don't want to read then skip to the next chapter

Rory downed the rest of her wine. She turned to Logan and started to push of his jacket. He pushed one strap of her shoulder. He put light kisses on her shoulder. She pulled on his tie and walked to the living room. She turned and put the tie over her shoulder and led him up the stairs. To their bedroom. They barely made it up the stairs before Logan pushed Rory against the wall. He put her hands over her head and pinned her against the wall with his body. He kissed her lips passionately. Then he kissed down her jaw and onto her neck. She pushed him away a little. Teasing. She kept walking towards their room. She unzipped her dress walking down the hall. She went into their room. Logan followed and Rory stood in the middle of the room he helped her out of her dress. It fell to her feet on the floor.

"No underwear Ace?"

"My boyfriend doesn't want me in it."

"I'll have to meet this boyfriend of yours."

"Shut up." She turned around and started unbuttoning his shirt and undoing his tie. She threw them to the side and kissed him. She also started unbuttoning his pants.

"Eager Ace?"

"Why not?"

"You make me seem easy."

"What did I say before! Shut up!" She inched her hand down his muscled stomach.

She gave Logan a sly grin and he kissed her. She jumped on Logan and wrapped her legs around his waist. He lay her down gently on the bed. He kissed her breasts and down her stomach.

He pulled off his boxers. He entered her slowly. She let out a soft moan. He kissed her and pulled back slowly. Forward a little faster. Another moan. After a while he had her screaming his name. He loved every minute of it. Their bodies erupted in pleasure. Logan pulled out and laid next to her. With heavy breathing they lay there.

"Round 2." Rory says getting on top of Logan.

"How'd I get so lucky." He smiled and she kissed him.

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now