Morning After

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Rory woke up with a pounding headache. She realized she was home in her bed.

"Why do people have their bachelorette parties the night before the wedding?" She said to no one in particular.

"Shit." Someone said under the covers as they stirred awake. Rory panicked, did she go home with a stranger. What happened last night?!


Logan woke up under the covers and heard a woman's voice. He panicked. Did he go home with a stranger?! He couldn't remember last night.

He pulled the blanket off him and looked to see who it was.


The man pulled the blanket off him and turned to her.


"Ow Ace. Not so loud!"


"Ace. My head is killing me. Don't yell." He turns over to look at the alarm clock.

"It's 10:12! I need to get to the hotel. I'm going to take a shower before I head to the hotel. The guys are probably waiting for me." He kisses her and gets up. Rory hears a knock downstairs and assumes it's her mother and bridesmaids. She throws on her white robe that says bride on the back. Courtesy of Honor. She makes her way downstairs. She opens the door and sees Finn.


"I need to talk to you."

"Ok. Do you want to come in?"

"No. I just need to say this. Rory, don't marry Logan, if there's the slightest chance you love me. Because Rory, I love you. This is killing me, doing this to Logan."

"Finn. I don't love you. We're friends. I'm marrying Logan. Finn, I want you in our lives, especially Lory, your her godfather."

"I'm going to go. We're all meeting at the hotel room to get ready." He turns to leave.

"Finn?" He turns back around. She kisses him. She didn't notice Logan on the stairs.


Book 2 is on its way. If you have any suggestions or ideas that you'd like me to put into book 2 just message me. Honestly, this isn't the way I wanted to end this but I wanted to leave open some options. I'm having a tough time deciding if I want Rory to still marry Logan or break things off to be with Finn. Please comment what you think.

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