A New Address

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"We're here!" Logan said excitedly. Rory looked out the car window at the house.

"No. NO. NO!"

"What's the matter Ace?"

"Do we even have to go inside. I can already tell that it's horrible. I also don't get the feeling."

"The feeling? Are you saying that this house isn't making you horny?" He laughed and she playfully hit him.

"No. That's not what I mean. The feeling is a Gilmore Girl thing. It happens when your buying a new house, car, clothes, men, and other things."

"Do you get the feeling with me." He winked.

"Most definitely. I get a bunch of feelings with you."

"Oh really?!" She kissed him deeply and she reached across the center console and put her hand on his inner thigh. He moaned and pulled away.

"Wow Ace! You've never kissed me like that before!"

"Oh remember I did. 15 years ago." Logan looked at her confused.

"You have to the end of the day to figure out when I kissed you like that. At every house we see you get another clue. Oh! There's the realtor." She quickly got out of the car and Logan followed, completely and utterly lost in thought.

"Hi! I'm Amy Grennferd."

"Hi, yes we talked on the phone. This is my boyfriend Logan."

"Nice to finally meet you two in person. So as you've said money isn't a problem and I thought we'd start lower and work our way up into the higher priced houses."

"Can we just skip this house?" Rory said disgusted.

"Actually I have the perfect house to show you!" The realtor. She handed Rory a piece of paper. It had the address, a picture of the house, the listing price, and details. 6 bedroom, 4 bathrooms, pool house, pool, and a garden.

"This is..." she teared up.

"Ace?" He looked over her shoulder.

"I've already seen this house. I love it." She looked to Logan.

"The feeling?"

"Yeah. Also I couldn't imagine anyone else living in the house that my grandfather had loved."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm a little confused. Are you buying that house?" Rory looked to Logan. Desperate for him to agree.

"Yeah. We'll take it." She laughed and jumped into his arms. He spun her around and kissed her.

"Would you like to visit the house or shall we go ahead to the office and sign the papers?"

"Let's go to the office." Logan said and the realtor nodded and got into her car. Logan and Rory got into their rental car that they were renting until they went car shopping which was in two days. They drove to Hartford Real-estate. They signed the papers and made a payment plan. Paying almost half of the house already, thanks to Mitchum.

"I've gotta say. Your dad really surprised me. He'll make an exceptional grandfather." Rory said as they got back into the car.

"He'd love to hear your high praise." Logan laughed and quickly quieted when Rory's phone starting ringing.

"Hey grandma!"

"Rory. I have upsetting news."

"Grandma!? What is it?!" She started to worry and so did Logan at the sound of Ace worrying.

"Someone bought the house, in Hartford. I'm sorry Rory."

"Oh grandma!" Rory laughed and Logan let out a breath of relief.

"We bought it!" Rory yelled through the phone.

"RORY! Why didn't you tell me sooner! Does this mean your not living in London?! I mean I enjoyed it those few weeks I was with you in the hospital but the weather! And driving on the other side of the road?!" Emily rambled on.

"Well grandma I've got to tell mom yet."

"Yes Of course, we'll talk later. Your grandfather would be so proud!" Emily squealed and hung up.

Next Rory called her mother.

"Gilmore house of coffee."

"Still trying that?"

"Yes! I'm going to come up with different greetings until I get the perfect one! So what did you need kid?"

"I've got a new address for ya."

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