Uncle Finn

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Finns mouth fell open.

"I'm going to be an uncle?!"

"Yes Finn!" Rory tried to sound happy to.

"Did you tell Logan yet?!"

"No. Not yet and I probably won't tell him for awhile more."

"Why Love? What's keeping you?"

"He's with Odette."

"Rory, not to sound rude but open your eyes. It's an arranged marriage. Logan doesn't love Odette. He told me so during our little spat."

"Will you fly to London with me?"

"Sure love. But not tonight."

"Of course not tonight. Maybe in a few more weeks. But by the morning you'll probably forget all about this. Just rest for now." She watched as Finn passed out. She continued driving home in silence.


She woke up in her mom and Luke's bed. She got up and made her way downstairs. She peeked into her room and saw Finn asleep on her bed. She made decaf coffee and sat at the table wincing at the severed taste.

"Morning love." Finn stumbled into the living room a few hours later.

"Morning Finn."

"Quickly get ready and we'll go to Luke's for breakfast. Caesar makes the best hangover smoothie."

"What hangover?!" Finn said flabbergasted.

"You mean to tell me after all your drinking last night. You don't have a hangover?"

"I've never had a hangover, love."

"Of course you haven't. Anyway, hurry up and get ready. I'm starved."

"Yeah you're eating for two now."

"You remember."

"OF COURSE I REMEMBER MY BABY NEICE OR NEFEW. Although I prefer a girl. I will spoil her rotten."

"Oh Finn, what will you do when I have a boy?!"

"I'll love that little hell raiser just the same." He laughed and turned to go get ready. After Finn was ready they set off to Luke's. Even though he and Lorelai had already set off to Nantucket to spend there honeymoon in a house that Emily had rented for them.

"Morning Caesar!"

"Morning Rory! And who's this?"

"This is my friend Finn."

"Hello Finn, I'll be right with you guys to order. Just take a seat anywhere."

"Thanks Caesar!" They sat down at a table near the window.

"So love, when are we telling our dear boy."

"I'm not sure he wants to see either of us."

"Come on love, he needs to know and I'll be there with you. Honor will too."


"Don't be mad but I called Honor. She's right there." He pointed to a woman walking towards the diner. Honor. She entered the diner and Finn waved her over.

"Hey Finn. Rory. So what did you need to tell me? You said it was important Finn?"

"Actually it's Rory's news."


"Wait Finn, what if I don't want to tell her." Honor takes a seat at the extra chair at the table.

"It's alright Rory. You can trust me. You and Logan may not be together but we're still friends."

"I'm pregnant." She whispers to Honor.

"And it's Logans?!"

"Yes. But please not so loud. I don't want anyone from Stars Hollow to know yet."

"Sorry. I didn't even know that you and my brother were close again."

"We meet in Hamburg about almost a year and a half ago. We had a Vegas agreement. But once Odette moved in, I told him we were done. He came here and we had one last night together."

"My brother loved you Rory, and he still does, trust me, that wasn't your final night together. Right Finn. We're going to get you guys back together for the sake of your baby and both of you!"

"Baby?! Oh Rory, You're pregnant!" Miss Patty squealed in delight from a few tables away.

"Oh no, miss, I got a lady pregnant and I love her so dearly but she isn't taking a liking to me anymore. Honor and Rory are helping me get her back." Finn winked at Rory. Keeping her secret.

"Oh well good luck, and if that doesn't work out, I'm here." She winked at Finn and turned back around.

"Oh boy Finn." Rory laughed. Finn looked horrified.

"That's one redhead that doesn't catch my eye." The three shared a small laugh.

"Sorry about being loud Rory, but what I said is true."

"I know. I just can't tell him yet."

"And you don't have to for a few more weeks. And we're here for you. But you will tell him. He deserves to know." Honor put her hand on Rory's shoulder.

"I know. So should we eat?"

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